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Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
LOL, I just deleted it!
Sex - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Back in 2004, I got my first glimpse of the powerful nature of social networks. I had just started using my first social network, Orkut, which had helped me get back in touch with many of my friends from Pakistan (I live in Canada). Prior to Orkut, I had been part of many BB forums. Over time, the trend towards user collaborated environments began ever more obvious. One thing that I found disappointing on other networks was the lack of usefulness. As time passed, my experience with other networks began to deteriorate as it was difficult to find like minded people over these generic social networks. Shuzak was born out of the idea that we could leverage the power of social networks for something more than just hitting on random girls. I think one thing we all did particularly well with Shuzak was building the geek community. It is Shuzak's community that I cherish. Despite Shuzak's shortcomings, a few good men and women made this place worth the time
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Thanks Yue. I thought it would be useful especially for someone like myself to go back into the future and read what people have been talking about.
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Shuzak could live again. We just need to move in an organized fashion and undo the mistakes that led to this.
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 6
lol! Thanks, much appreciated.
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey guys, im going to come back on Shuzak really soon. I am doing two jobs + school right now. But ill find a way. Do you want me to delete these dudes off Shuzak?
research - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Quantum, there is an RSS link that I use to keep track of all the posts and zaks on Shuzak. But if more people think this feature is necessary, then I will surely add it.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Actually, the traffic on the site is the same as it was a few months ago. It's not increasing, but it's not dropping either. One idea I had for increasing traffic to Shuzak was to exchange links with other sites related to geeks (such as those on science & technology). Any suggestions would be great.
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Happy Birthday! Where's the party at?
Life - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
From ToS: 15. You will not use any of the posts in this forum without the permission of the original author. Any content generated by a user is the property of that user and Shuzak. Should this be modified? The person who creates the content is the owner of it.
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
No problem Ati. I am actually glad you posted this question since it will clear up some confusions. I also got the chance to re-read the ToS myself
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
^yup, I mispelled "collaborative intelligence" and for the longest time I didn't even notice it Later on, I felt that "collaborative intelligence" is too vague to define any demographic, so instead changed it to "social network for geeks". Around November, "Blink! The power of think without thinking" influenced me to ramp up Shuzak's first impression by pimping up Shuzak's front page and logo. Here's an interesting tidbit: Shuzak was originally going to be named Ommunity. But someone managed to register the domain a few days before I could To this day, Shuzak's internal databases are named "Ommunity". Shuzak did go through some turmoils. I remember the time my laptop's HDD fried up and I had no way of working on Shuzak until I got a new computer. But the worst was probably the server breakdown that lost us probably 10k in new user traffic. Let the good times roll
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
oh yeah, Hakia's that search engine Phil Butler, from Profy.com, reviewed and recommended to me sometime ago. Thanks for pointing it out. Geeks don't trust anything, but they're willing to trust Google with their girlfriends. It's interesting that we're willing to put so much faith in a company that must ultimately look after its own profits. I trust Google, but they've too much power now. Of the 10 web services I use most, at least 6 belong to Google (GReader, GMail, Search, Docs, Orkut, YouTube).
Google - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
I wasn't too concerned about privacy issue either until I noticed that Orkut [*] was "accidently" displaying my postal code to everyone. Because I run a few popular communities on Orkut, I got some people doing Google Earth searches of where I live I think data mining users will eventually stop in face of rising user concerns. Search engine companies are using any advantage they can get in order to surpass their competition. If Google stops doing it, MSN, Yahoo! and AltaVista will be forced to, too. I thought of the proxy solution. But that's sort of one step too much for the average web user. Are there not search engines (albeit small) that do not collect the searcher's data? * Google owned
Google - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Sorry about the problem. If it doesn't fix within the next few minutes, I will email my host again. It might be an issue with DNS propogation.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Thanks guys. I noticed the issue as well so I contacted the hosting company and they've fixed it. "The issue was a result of the thirty second maintenance occurring a few moments ago. We've upgraded to php 5.2.2 on the system to avoid some security flaws."
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Interesting. I think I will post a message on the front page of Shuzak.com to make sure others know of this issue as well.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
Happy Birthday Fibbz!!!
Life - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
The problem's been fixed. It was a JS issue. Thanks for the help
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
So is this similar to learning Ajax? For Ajax you need JavaScript and then a few tricks to it. Thanks for the help
Java Programming - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Thanks Zen. I got a book on Java, but it would be nice if I can figure out the sort of things I need to learn in Java in order to do mobile programming.
Java Programming - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
"You're the michelangelo of your life. And the David you're sculpting is yourself."
Geeks - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Geeks - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
Yeah, I am not sure what you mean either. Care to elaborate?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! How many people would post comments in blogs if they were required to sign up first? Not many. So it doesn't make sense to force users to sign up before posting comments in communities. It doesn't make sense, but it is the norm, so every social network out there does it anyway. Shuzak should be open. We shouldn't punish the 99% of active users for the actions of the other 1%. A little known fact about Shuzak is that it does have mods. But we need better mod control. David and I were discussing that a "Report Inappropriate" option might place better control on the situation. Ati is right. From now on, we should focus on the community. Community first, features next! I will personally see through many of the things he has suggested.
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
woah! This is awesome. I've been looking for a solution to this myself because those slashes seemed to interfer with LaTeX rendering. Now we can safely preview math: Thanks Josh!
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
^Found this somewhere. Here was my reply to it: Surprisingly enough, the Bushcronium's got quite the half-life. I did some calculations, and discovered that such an unstable particle cannot last beyond 2008 unless Bushcronium isotope 224 receives significant help from Bushcronium isotope 260. It has also been theorized that the strong nuclear force between the two could fundamentally rupture the fabric of space and time given the moron-promotion passes critical level for the second time. The Universe is clearly in danger.
Politics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 5
omg, I am so sorry. I know that must've sucked! I have fixed the issue. It shouldn't occur anymore. It would be nice to see your topic though. I am really sorry for the loss.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
Thank you so much! I made a stupid coding problem. Instead of < textarea name='post' >$_POST['Your_Post']< / textarea >, I had accidently put in < textarea name='post' value='$_POST['Your_Post']' >< / textarea >. I was treating textarea like a textbox Anyway, I am sorry. If that had happened to me, I would've been quite pissed off myself.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Testing Highlight reply
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Yeah, I noticed that as well. I emailed the hosting provider immediately and the problem seems to be getting better. It might've been caused by traffic to other websites hosted on this server. Let's see what happens.
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
For anyone interested, the very basic pseudocode for generating the altitude of the graph is as follows: [code=cpp] Max_Value = Highest_Karma; for (m=0; m < 5; m++) { if (m == 1) { Damping_Factor = 1.0; } // Highest value elseif (m == 2) { Damping_Factor = 0.9; } elseif (m == 3) { Damping_Factor = 0.8; } elseif (m == 4) { Damping_Factor = 0.7; } elseif (m == 5) { Damping_Factor = 0.6; } Vertical_Altitude = (Current_Value[m]/Max_Value)*130*Damping_Factor; // 130 is the pixels }[/code]
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Yup, that's the one. I am in love with it. Whoever came up with the lyrics is a mathematical prodigy!
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey guys, sorry about the problem earlier. People can post in here now
Really, really old Shuzakers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
This looks quite interesting. It almost looks like Facebook's rss feed, which I find quite addictive. The design looks great as well! It might be a good idea not to implement too many changes at the same time. Progressing one step at a time will ensure that we don't lose focus.
Shuzak's Collaborative Program - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Shuzak's Collaborative Program - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
Byte, you can bypass the sign in page by simply bookmarking "Interesting Page" webpage (it doesn't require login). Great suggestions everyone. I think we should go ahead and hold a design competition soon. I will also go with Evis' suggestion and install more tracking software
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
I didn't code the LaTeX renderer so blame Open Source Software for that. lol, but seriously, your LaTeX is correct (sin(x)=\dfrac{1}{2}(e^{ix}+e^{-ix} \\cos(x)=\dfrac{1}{2}(e^{ix}-e^{-ix}). Maybe its time I look more into better LaTeX support. Anyway, yes, besides the 5 fundamental constants, it also includes three basic operators: Addition, Exponentiation, and Multiplication!
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I agree, Shuzak's current front page is sexy but it appears too conservative. I think Zen and Tom mentioned a critical point that Blink emphasized on as well; humans tend to make decisions within the first millisecond (I am not sure about nanoseconds, my brain isn't that fast ) before their conscious mind is even aware of it. Perhaps we should go ahead with Nadeem's experiment and temporarily redirect users to the "Interesting Topics" page instead of "SignIn". Should we wait to implement this until the traffic storm ends?
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey welcome everyone! It is true, Shuzak's position is difficult to define at the moment. We've had several debates over it in the past as well. I find that it's critical that we take a stand on what it truly means to have a community like this. I don't think we will every be strictly professional. The fact that users can't down rate others makes it possible for everyone to speak freely. The culture on Shuzak is of huge importance, so whatever position we take, it will have to appease the culture that already exists in here. Anyway, my name is Jawad and I was the first user on Shuzak
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
I don't think anyone clicks on the top three buttons. I know I don't. Possum, why do you think it's not a good idea?
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
We've had this discussion in the past as well. Everyone on here seems to have tried drugs. Sounds like another article "Why are geeks often drug addicts?" I haven't personally tried anything, but it seems sort of cool. I won't be trying it though; I have a lot of respect for my brain's functionality...so I wouldn't want to harm it in anyway. But if I had to pick a drug, it would've to be Ecstasy.
Entheogens - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Feynman described it as the most remarkable equation in the Universe. My Calculus professor considered it as an indication of intelligence in the Universe. It is certainly a beautiful equation. In fact, it's on my list of favorite equations right along Schrodinger's wave equation.
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Publisher Weekly's review: Hofstadter—who won a Pulitzer for his 1979 book, Gödel, Escher, Bach—blends a surprising array of disciplines and styles in his continuing rumination on the nature of consciousness. Eschewing the study of biological processes as inadequate to the task, he argues that the phenomenon of self-awareness is best explained by an abstract model based on symbols and self-referential "loops," which, as they accumulate experiences, create high-level consciousness. Theories aside, it's impossible not to experience this book as a tender, remarkably personal and poignant effort to understand the death of his wife from cancer in 1993—and to grasp how consciousness mediates our otherwise ineffable relationships. In the end, Hofstadter's view is deeply philosophical rather than scientific. It's hopeful and romantic as well, as his model allows one consciousness to create and maintain within itself true representations of the essence of another. The book is all Hofstadter—part theory, some of it difficult; part affecting memoir; part inventive thought experiment—presented for the most part with an incorrigible playfulness. And whatever readers' reaction to the underlying arguments for this unique view of consciousness, they will find the model provocative and heroically humane. I haven't read this book but thanks for pointing it out. I didn't completely finish Godel, Escher and Bach but I loved the parts I did read. I will add this book to my must-read list
Cognitive Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey thanks for letting me know! Someone in the chatroom mentioned it, and then Romulo said it as well. I was getting worried. I just noticed I made a stupid mistake while coding the new email subscription feature. Sorry for the inconvenience everybody. I fixed the problem, so if you continue to have it, do let me know
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey Quanta, are you filling in the "related terms" field before posting a topic?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
About 400 people joined Shuzak in the last 12 hours. Maybe you missed out on the Digg hit.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
whoops, this is Ati's post.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Paul, the db isn't that simple lol. But today, I sat down to fix the problem. You guys can now change your email.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
We have discussed OpenID integration earlier as well. It's good to see that it's beginning to gain traction this year. There are two reasons why I am personally reluctant to support it on Shuzak: 1. Not enough people have it. 2. It raises security issues. Share your thoughts.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
LOL Possum, that was awesome. haha I am guilty of writing an erroneous wikipedia entry a few years ago. I should probably delete it sometime, since it's not a very nice thing to do. Should we post the article on Shuzak again? Perhaps this time we can beef it up before it gets marked.
The holy church of Rob - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Science over religion, always. I am inclined to agree with Nadeem that science and religion are not approaching the same problem from different angles. Science can explain why sub atomic particles don't collide, but it cannot address questions that religion does. This is not an argument for or against science..it's just that they've fundamentally different purposes. The problem occurs when religious priests start with self imposed facts (aka, God exists) and then try to prove them with science. Whereas scientists start with a hypothesis and check if the science agrees with them.
Life - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
That's a great thought. We can create a page on Shuzak that everyone can edit and copy-paste it on wikipedia
The holy church of Rob - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
wow, that's amazing Rio/Loriato! What did you guys tell Orkut? It's funny, I was just reading one of his research papers on "Evaluating Similarity Measures: A Large-Scale Study in the Orkut Social Network" Orkut was the original inspiration for creating Shuzak. There were a great many individuals on Orkut whom I would ascribe as "Genius". Sadly, Orkut is a social network for "friends" and hence not the best environment for intellectual pursuits. That's what Shuzak is for
Brazil - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Oh sorry, I never anticipated that outcome. I might be able to cook up a way around it. For now, try not to opt-in to receiving the automated emails But I'll fix it real soon, sorry guys.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Thanks Iftecan. Yeah, I hadn't considered the roadmap before. Let's come up with one. Where do you guys see Shuzak in an year?
Shuzak's Collaborative Program - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey Ati, this isn't possible on Shuzak. I can't manually do it because the database is huge. If you wish you can stop receiving emails by going to edit profile. Sorry about that.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
test 1
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
test 2
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
test 3
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
The Spirit Booster uses spiritually charged artifacts and in conjunction with quantum entanglement will raise your level of consciousness* on a continual, ongoing basis. This could shave many lifetimes off their cycle of birth and reincarnation. They will experience something powerful that most people have no idea exists. (These statements calibrate as 100% absolutely true.)
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
lmao@The Spirit Booster. That just made my day. Time to hear Joseph's rant on this
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Interesting perspective Jared
the physical world - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
How exactly does one calculate the width of the Universe considering the Universe does not have a set boundary, shape, or size? There are a couple of things I do each week to keep my brain functional: 1. Play Sudoku 2. Memorize Pi 3. Some hand-eye coordination tricks I stopped doing the first two though. I got lazy.
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Paul and Camou have a good point. Nasa has been doing guess work on Mars underground water channel for so long that people are just fed up with it. However, this is a huge news. Where there is water, there is life.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Hey Iso, you can upload the file to the public folder (shuzak.com/public). I forgot the exact ftp login/password so maybe Josh can help you out, or just email me the file and I will upload it myself ([email protected]). Another great solution for uploading pdf files is a newly minted startup called Scribd. To come to think of it, maybe sometime down the road we can integrate their API's onto Shuzak to provide internal support.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
alright, I uploaded to Possum's folder. I hope he doesn't mind
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
wow, I hadn't realized people hated Shuzak that much. Thanks everyone
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
All good points. Maybe there should be karma handed out for participating alone. Fibbs is right, karma is becoming less of an incentive (that will change soon, promise). And Con raises a good point; the competition needs to be more focused. And perhaps, there should be an actual "poll" integrated into the competition (I could do that on request)
The Contest - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
How many digits of pi have you guys memorized? I haven't looked at the numbers for a long time, so I am left with just 110 on my brain.
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
alright I will find a script and add it within the topic we decide upon (or I will just code one myself). What should be the theme and format of the contest? Let's get it as organized as we can before going public.
The Contest - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
^ You could've saved Archimedes a whole lot of time But seriously, I find the Archimedes and Simpson's rule for evaluating values of pi quite intriguing considering that both appeared way before the principles of Calculus were established.
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I am sure they enjoy a bigger laugh than us. I would too if I believed the earth was flat while the other 6 billion people ignorantly felt otherwise. And Joe, yes, apparently you've been wasting your time studying astrophysics. String Theory is the future.
Internet - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
PHP, OpenOffice.org, Bittorrent are good. But Firefox is the best.
OSS - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey Samus, to prevent security problems, we didn't let the source go public. If you wish to code any part, just let Pirana0 know, and he will give you access to Shuzak
Shuzak's Collaborative Program - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I was coding shit in MIPS while you were still playing space invaders lol.
Internet - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Items to avoid: All types of facial hair. There you go Hobs, are you convinced now?
Life - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
oh yeh, lol, that "idiot" is me. Actually, I posted that 6 months ago when Shuzak was a blog not a social network. So at the time, the link was correct
reddit - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
^haha. That's smart! Bertrand Russel and Kurt Godel would be proud.
C programming - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Internet - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
I will code a reply history function today Isomorph. btw, it's good to see you again.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Have faith bro. We still have wonder woman.
Comicbook Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Still, these are comic books, where characters have a history of dying and returning. Most famously, DC published “The Death of Superman” in November 1992. That comic was a best seller, but the Man of Steel eventually returned to the land of the living in August 1993. I have a feeling he will be back
Comicbook Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
^lol@equation. Those were all great posts. I like the point Nadeem makes here: Once you no longer identify with that community, peer pressure falls dramatically, and you can think a little more clearly...But if you've seen the numinous first hand, the religious version loses all its flavor. It's a poor shadow of the real thing. The guest author raises an interesting question, "Is there something about being a geek and the knowledge we posses that makes most of us atheistic, or is there something in most geeks' personalities that drove them to be both geeks and atheists?" 1. As Tom pointed out, Geeks are prone to thinking logically (math, statistics, etc). Religion is based more on faith than logic. Consequently, geeks tend to believe that anything that does not have logical basis must be incorrect. 2. Highly intelligent minds are trapped in poor ideas because they can defend them so well. As a result, they are less prone to accepting arguments that do not apply the same sort of logical scrutiny. My thesis is that scientists (including geeks) tend to think in terms of logic. Because they are intelligent, they believe that their approach to problems is right. Religion has no place in science, and therefore, the smart individual claims that a belief in God must be irrelevant in other fields as well. The logical approach to problems does not work in the case of religion. Since geeks approach problems logically, the end result is a disbelief in a higher power.
What Is A Geek? - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
The absence of evidence isn't evidence enough that there is no evidence at all. Geeks are conditioned to think logically, just as religious people are conditioned to replace faith with emotion. What I extract from this is that geeks are not atheists because they know "more" but rather because they choose to think differently.
What Is A Geek? - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
According to research, the average person accidently consumes about 50 spiders, while asleep, during the span of their lifetime. So Nadeem, that taste of metal was probably the Tarantula you ate.
Life - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Very interesting Ati, prehaps you should click on the Google ad for finding the ideal job just below my post Okay, but seriously, all those ambitions that you guys listed here sound great and all but they are nonetheless meaningless. We give a meaning to things by making them seem important. When really, nothing is. From Fight Club, "On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." Whatever we do here will eventually be lost in time. And those who do remember us, they too will inevitably perish (or so says the church of Rob).
Work - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
agreed. The rules are almost always a standard. Except for maybe the "free to use content" part which some social networks seem to handle differently. Basically, anything you create on Shuzak is your own. On Orkut, on the other hand, all the content produced by the users is owned by Orkut.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Topics that were never answered probably didn't warrant a reply. This might not always be the case, but it usually is. Moreover, if a person feels the topic needs more attention, they can always post it again
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Yup, interesting blog. Blogs are usually kept short in order to accomodate the readers short attention span.
Crazy Coders - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Forgot the link Here it is: http://oedb.org/library/college-basics/hacking-knowledge. Make sure to bookmark it!
Cognitive Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
hah. So we are looking for the Geek Idol?
Geeks - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Agreed with Con. Karma shouldn't have too many rules since most people will just end up being frustrated.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hitler had great social skills; that's one of the thing that got him German support. Anyway, I vote Archimedes as the geekiest person ever. Let's not forget that he got murdered when he refused to move from his position while drawing math equations & circles on the ground. As for the geekiest person on Shuzak; I would nominate Nadeem (PhD student at 22), Jared (Particle accelerators), Patrick (Quantum Mechanics), and Diogo (Professor at 22). Actually, it is quite a difficult thing to judge considering how many smart people are on this place
Geeks - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
heh Joe. The logic flow in PHP is pretty much the same as in C/C++. What you can do is provide an algorithm for any idea you feel is interesting. For example, I want someone on Shuzak to find a spell-check library code. The algo for that would probably involve first seperating all the text into words ($str_array = explode(' ', '')) and then looping each word through the dictionary with a '*' wild card search to find words in the dictionary with similar spellings. That's just an example (probably a bad one) But the point is that everyone can help in some way. Ati, Poss, and Fibbs, for example were saying that they wish to edit help section on Shuzak, etc.
Shuzak's Collaborative Program - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
loool@COBOL, Fortran and PL/1 Though, I believe some large corporations still use COBOL. And Fortran has its uses in mathematics
Shuzak's Collaborative Program - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Josh's chatroom has been fully integrated with the main chatroom. You guys will be using his room now Congrats. Rob, not many people are good at COBOL anymore. This means that you can have a big piece of the niche market for COBOL programmers.
Shuzak's Collaborative Program - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I have to admit, the problem with defining the term "geek" has been a problem. Here was my reply to Stowe when he raised a similar question: I would like to present my observations regarding Shuzak: Most visitors on Shuzak have an interest in Computer Science, Technology and Mathematics. And universally, everyone seems to have an interest in philosophy. Geeks are a class of people who love to learn. There are many paths to knowledge, and Shuzak presents an open platform for people of that sort. So far, we hadn't had any distinction between one geek from another. If this presents a problem in the future, we will narrow our focus a step further.
What Is A Geek? - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
There are rules of conduct. But they need an update since I just wrote that for the sake of writing them.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
True, in fact, in Canada you even get paid to inject power back to the grid. Anyway, solar power for homes is usually set up by third party companies. I don't have one at my home, but I have designed solar powered mp3 players as a project in my university. It basically stored a certain amount of charge in capacitors and used a diode to prevent any current from escaping while it charged. A transistor was then used to switch as soon as the solar power drops below demand.
Green Geeks - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
^ P0ssum, I think the community has spoken. And Hobs is right, I expected this place to be composed of 18+ members (though, there are many here to the exception). What makes a community appropriate for Shuzak? who decides? Jawad? I would hazard a guess and say he would want the community to decide itself. That is right. This is your community not mine. I only created it.
Sex - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
I want to be a neurologist. The universe happens in the brain.
Work - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Ultimately, no matter what we do, our lives pretty much amount to nothing at the cosmic scale.
Work - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him - Voltaire
Religious Theory - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Internet - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
The problem with timestamps is that the server time is different from local time. Anyone has a work around on that? Pirana0, how is this broken? [code=Javascript] var requestx = createRequest();[/code]
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey thank you so much, both of you. I just added the script on chat and it works great! This is the function I use to add emoticons using PHP: [code=php] <?php function add_emotions ($content) { $table = array( "" => "<img src = 'img/emotions/smile.png' />", "" => "<img src = 'img/emotions/sad.png' />", "" => "<img src = 'img/emotions/wink.png' />", "" => "<img src = 'img/emotions/bigsmile.png' />", "" => "<img src = 'img/emotions/angry.png' />", "" => "<img src = 'img/emotions/cool.png' />", "" => "<img src = 'img/emotions/tricky.png' />", "" => "<img src = 'img/emotions/weird.png' />", ); return strtr($content, $table); ?>[/code] Oh btw, I added both your names to the function you guys coded. If you wish to add anything else to the function's comments, let me know
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
wow, that is awesome. I am going to share this with my offline friends. Thanks for mentioning this! Any idea why the lights form vertical pillars? I came across auroras when they once appeared in Toronto. They were amazing. Interestingly, the northern lights are caused by solar storms. The highly charged cosmic rays smash with atoms in the ionosphere, and in the process, emit photons of varying wavelengths (hence the greenish/redish colors). As the electrons enter the atmosphere, they tend to move in a swirling motion due to causing a drift perpendicular to the motion. Hence, you get mesmerizing effect of aurora clouds with *random* motions. Here is a great image of the northern lights. p.s) My highschool lessons in northern lights are a bit rusty. So do correct me if I am wrong.
Astronomical - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey Rob, that would be awesome! I know how to do it in PHP, so I am guessing it can't be too difficult in JS either. But it's better if you guys take control over coding. Plus, I am not exactly sure how to make this one anyway
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
It used to just require it. But now it charges '3'. Which is not really a lot. Basically, we don't want people to endlessly create communities unrelated to Shuzak. This way, people will create relevant communities.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Great suggestions. Here is a nice piece of code to create indexes with primary key: [code=sql] CREATE TABLE WhateverName (Auto_Index int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key);[/code]
MySQL - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey, I am familiar with JOIN but I have never used it in the past. How does it work?
MySQL - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Green Geeks - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
Hey that is awesome! Is that also the site you can use to observe the Sun live (NOAA might have something similar)? I think Sun is one of the most under rated objects in the solar system. I could spend my entire life observing it through a solar filtern on my telescope.
Astronomical - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Yeah, there are no new buttons. And nothing will appear unless some tags are entered into the tag textbox. Once the tags have been entered, Shuzak uses them to search related communities. One of these related communities can then be selected to post to multiple communities. I basically used some DOM to dynamically generate the list of communities. Here is the code for making the list appear: [code=javascript] var Ripple = document.createElement("div"); Ripple.id = "Ripple"; Ripple.innerHTML = "You may also choose to post"; Ripple.innerHTML += "this topic in one of the following communities:"; Ripple.innerHTML += "<div id = \"List_Communities\"></div>;"; var Add_Ripple = document.getElementById("Add_Ripple"); var MsgParent = Add_Ripple.parentNode; MsgParent.insertBefore(Ripple, Add_Ripple);[/code] Here is the full file
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey, if you like, you can email me the code so I can see why Shuzak messed up. Are you sure you embeded your code within the [ code ][ /code ] tags? I suggest that everyone should try "Instant Preview" before posting any math equation or programming code. I would hate to see people lose their work just because Shuzak messed up. Anyway, I agree with you. I was on phone with iJigg founder yesterday and he encouraged me to pursue outside help as well. I don't mind giving away the code at all. My only concern is risking security. Perhaps code should be handed out to a select few individuals (like you, P0ssum, Hobs, Jared etc)? I am definitely going to post the code for the Chat.php since I want that one to be a community oriented project. I need your suggestions on how best to proceed with giving out the code. Thanks for all the help,
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Rathmaster, could you please elaborate on this? Do you mean some sort of a collaborative 'game'? We briefly talked about this earlier as well, and I am definitely interested to hear more.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Some Technical Details: To my knowledge, MomJunction is the only other social network with a similar feature. This one was difficult to code because Shuzak's database was never intended to function in this manner. There might be several bugs on it so please try out the new feature and enlighten us with your experience
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
hmm, what blank posts. Ati, can you take a screenshot and upload them somewhere or maybe email me? [email protected]
Poetry - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey Rathmaster, Hobs, thanks for pointing that out. YouTube made a slight change to its "embed" feature so I had to tweak the code. Let's try that again: It looks like Scorcho used Photoshop. Did you use the "Neon" effect and plaster it with charcol?
Poetry - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
No point reasoning with him. I just increased his karma to 5000000000. I hope that makes him realize how stupid he has been.
Karma=love - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Oh dang Ati, that was sweet. My offer still stands, Will you marry me? lol. On a similar note, I have finished making that video I was telling you guys about. Have a look. I used Movie Maker, Adobe Auditions, FLV Player, and Replay Converter to make the vid p.s) I might make the video private in a day or two.
Poetry - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
P0ss, lol, I am emailing my hosting company to learn if it is possible to write a script that gives me live information on the bandwidth use. So, for instance, if my server is using 90% of its bandwidth, I could restrict access to Chat application. This way Shuzak's servers won't die. Also, it seems like most bugs have been fixed. I will note down the scroll suggestion.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
oh dang, this is the link.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Hey P0ss, thanks for letting me know. I will look into this right away
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey, that's a great summary of the available techniques. I have read a few books on building memory so I can vouch for many of the above. I am not too sure of "Positive Images" and "Movement". I always visualize stationary images and then associate them with something. The power of association is amazing. I read a list of 20 random words (cat, box, tie, sword, donkey, camera, etc) about 6 months ago and I still remember them in order. What I did was build a visual memory of association that went something like this: "A cat inside a box wearing a tie got cut by a sword, and the box was on top of a donkey and a camera was used to take a photo of this entire scene" Oh and I should add that I memorized 200 digits of pi (3.14159265..) using mental images of the numbers. I see different numbers in different colors and sizes. The digit one, for example, is a very tiny little atom. While 6 is the color pink, etc. It works wonders.
Memoryskills101 - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey, I couldn't agree with you more. I am going to study on Linux Torvalds manages the hugely decentralized Linux community and see how collaborative programming works. Until then, do you guys have more suggestions how we proceed on this? I am not smart enough to build this place myself. It would be really interesting to see how group projects work. Hx10, tell us more about Artificial Intelligence Internet Relay Chat Client. Does it work on AIML?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Hey, it's certainly possible to embed streaming videos. But I don't think it is such a good idea to let people embed them straight in their profiles (might create that MySpace effect). How about something that lets people add their videos in a seperate page? For instance, if I like a video on YouTube; I could add it to my profile's video section simply by copy-pasting its links?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
I assure you, P0ss, your donations will land straight in my wallet for purchasing Nike Shox and some KitKat. lol. But seriously, guys, I don't need any cash for Shuzak at the moment. The hosting for this month is already paid for. So just enjoy the place
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
echo() for life. Print is probably still in use thanks, in part, to C and Basic.
PHP - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey Hx10, I have been looking forward to fixing the vulnerabilites you pointed out earlier. Give me one more day to get my act together and put more time on this. Thank you,
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Oh btw, I posted this on Shuzak's Digg community because it was Digg that primarily inspired me to write this piece. Also, rather ironically, it got submitted on Digg.
Digg - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
That's a fair suggestion. I was going to use a cursor pointer, like Josh suggested, but in practice that default pointer doesn't represent an "action". Right now, I am using the crosshair pointer. Let me know if you're okay with it, otherwise I will change it. p.s) You might need to press F5 to reload the updated CSS to experience the change.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey guys, thank you all for the great suggestions. I will post a more thorough reply later today. For now, take a look at this. This is a suggested mockup created by Google for Shuzak. Don't worry about the relevancy for now. I would like your thoughts on the proposed designs. Personally, I think the ads are too many. I like the left ad panel; but it still has too many ads.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
I agree. My conference call with Google just finished and they will keep in touch for the following days on the status of ads placed on "Replies.php". We will consider placing ads on Profile.php only if the ads on Replies.php turn out to be useful. Don't worry about cluttering up Shuzak with ads. I won't let that happen.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Camouflage, that is a fair concern. You and Isaac are right when you guys assume that such a problem is likely to occur as Shuzak grows. The way I hope to fix this problem is by displaying new topics based on user interests. Shuzak could sort through the latest topics to generate ones that will specifically appeal to you. This way, you will only have to go through new topics that actually interest you. So, for instance, if you have a history of participating in topics related to "mathematics" and "science", there is a good chance you will also like topics related to "calculus", "computer science" and "technology".
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Yea as much as I like the idea of users getting money from the ads, I just dont see this working out. You will have too many people trying to get the money and thats the only reason they will be on this site That is a good point. This is why it's better if we first develop a strong community and then introduce the money factor. Nobody will make money if nobody gives karma or produces quality content. This will create a nash equilibrium: It is in your and the group's best interest to collaborate. Since there is only an X amount of money available, we could actually use some Game Theory to decide the optimized karma a user should receive for giving karma to another reply. Anyway, we will work with the Google ads. If they generate enough money, we will begin incorporating a revenue sharing program. We can worry about the security issues then
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
lol, oh man. That just killed me. Here's the video:
Life - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Ryan, we need your brain on this
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Well the community is already moderated by moderators, community owners and topic owners. This feature was just added a couple of days ago. A person who posts a topic can delete any thread within it. A person who owns the community can delete any topic or any thread within that community. A person who is the moderator can delete any topic or reply anywhere on the network. So I wouldn't worry too much about this. I am really interested in adding this feature. Instead of three, we give the user the option to post to just one other community.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey guys, thanks for the input and support. What P0ss wrote holds especially true for geeks: We have come across so many ads that we simply ignore them as noise. This is a major set back for Digg.com, and other geeky sites. >> I agree with the general sentiment - if Google can't come up with well targeted ads, there's little chance anyone else can. Anyone who does will get bought and/or hired. I would eventually like to implement our own advertising system. I told the Google representative about it and her reply was "hummmm...I guess that's a good strategy too" I hope she's not reading. I don't want to make money off this thing because I won't be the one clicking on the ads. Everyone needs to be compensated and we will get a neutral party to oversee the payments. The money will probably be transferred using its electronic equivalent, PayPal.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Alright, Nadeem has been nagging me for a while now so I would like to open this debate again. The double space text is annoying me too now. The reason we have double space is because the Einstein emoticons can fit in it. We can revert back to normal spacing with normal emoticons. I suggest the emoticons available on this page. Will this improve your user experience?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey, this is a somewhat old topic, but I was meaning to reply in here. Anyone on here coded a ajax spell checker before? Seems like a good complementary feature to the "preview". We need something that just highlights (or underlines) the misspelled words.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Oh yeah, I know about this. And I could fix it but extra lines to the code are deadly. I do whatever I can to keep the code fast. My preferences is user experience over little details. Anyway, does anyone have a mod-rewrite suggestion for http://www.shuzak.com/Replies.php?ID=44&Topic;_ID=460&t;=Knowing-whos-online It requires RegEx which I only have little experience with. So it would be really nice if someone can write a RegEx Mod-rewrite statement for Shuzak. btw Paul, thanks for pointing this out.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey, you're right that people can leave "Suggest Shuzak". But in almost all cases, they don't bother to (they have no reason). So the member count is somewhere north of 2500. Anyway, is the "join date" really that important? What do other people think? Paul, I am scared of adding "last active" because it threatens privacy. The times of each post, though, is essential. I will be adding it soon.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
heh, nice trick Hammaad Actually, 2500 is the number of people that joined Shuzak. The activity is low because the first 1500 people joined simply to alpha test. As Cappy pointed out, the next batch of people are participating more actively. I am going to post an article on startups soon, which will likely attract some more users on Shuzak so Isaac Newton won't be stuck with the same faces all over
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey Hx10, that would be great. Don't worry about the skill level. If it works, it works Let me know what you find.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Technologically speaking, we are doomed, in case of a solar max. It would be the equivalent of detonating a huge e-bomb on Earth's magnetic field. All electronic devices will go haywire, satellites will drop from the sky, and even worse, the nuclear plants might melt down. P0ss raised some good points, but I disagree with the notion that "technology is currently completely dependent on humans". I tend to think that it is we who are dependent on technology.
Advanced Tech - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Alright. Let me get two more opinions on this before switching. You know, I actually paid for those emoticons..that's why they are so hard to let go
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
okay, it seems to be better now. I am still not fully satisfied (the code is ugly) so i'll work on it more later. Keep me updated on the compatibility. I am beginning to suffer mild headaches due to these browser incompatibilities
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
I would advise against two approaches for two different users. It is going to create confusion, and every bit of extra thinking adds to frustration. There is actually a good reason why Replies.php does not have pagination. I have been around forums for quite some time, and I've observed that the posts become irrelevant as the pages proceed to the following pages (second, third and so forth). The posts remain relevant when everything appears on the same page. Moreover, most threads don't go beyond 20 replies; which is actually a good thing since it encourages more new topics over endless loop of replies. This isn't all original thinking..I copied the design behind JoelOnSoftware and User Interface Design book That said, I like the feature that highlights unread posts. I think I can code that without putting too much strain on the user. So Ryan, go ahead and put that on your feature list. Speaking of that, Ryan, is that list of suggested features a secret?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey, I really like this idea. I was about to dismiss it because it might confuse people (one thing that scares me beyond anything else) but redirecting, as Constantine suggested, is a great idea. But you know, this might just create spam. Any ideas on reducing the spam?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Ryan, you are beginning to scare me. Does this feature list even exist, cz' I haven't seen it yet? Photo Album is a good idea, and of course, I thought of it before I wanted Shuzak to be somewhat original, and everyone seems to have so many other SN that already do that + Flickr + Picassa + Photobucket. But eventually, we will add this to build a more community environment.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
I think it is a good idea. The reason I added "Someone Replied Me" is because it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to keep track of all the topics I was posting in on Orkut. Anyway, the link disappears whenever you post a reply on the thread. Do you guys think the reply in "Someone Replied Me" should disappear as soon as the person visits that thread? btw, I welcome all the suggestions you have. I would like you to post them on Suggest Shuzak so everyone can vote on them
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Let's watch their behavior for few more days. There are a couple of things we can do to discourage trolling: 1) Subtract Karma 2) Deny them from posting topics, or replies 3) Ban the user The third is the most drastic. So I suggest we follow them in order. As Chad and Const suggested, trolls are human too...so we don't have to lose all hope. I have already warned Jim Jones and a few others so hopefully things will get back on track.
Shuzak Current Affairs - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Hubble was bound to suffer one time or another. It has had some major overhauls in the past as well. I guess we can live with Chandra?
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey guys, that's a nice thought; make me a millionaire. lol. Really, I don't need the money at the moment. The hosting is quite expensive, but I can manage. After the hosting is paid for through ads, I want to distribute the rest of the money to you guys (based on karma). I have discussed these plans earlier with bloggers and in a couple of articles. Shuzak’s business plan 2.0 is to monetarily compensate the crowd for its wisdom. Users are the heart and soul of any social network; it is only fair that they get out of the site what they put in. While Shuzak has not yet implemented this, we are definitely moving towards this direction. In Web 2.0, the user is the programmer; so it is likely that the future social networks will democratize revenue sharing models. My ideal social network is one that has completely decentralized its control. I want the crowds to code, market, and make money off Shuzak. There are some very smart young guys on here who can make this place better than I can. It is just a matter to managing and allocating resources.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Constantine, you missed one. You know, the last one you mentioned is my sister
Females - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
err, I don't have a Mac running so can't fix this. Let me know if the problem persists and I will hook up my dad's computer to the net (it's in his office) and check it out. As you mentioned, this is most likely an issue with Javascript browser incompatibility. This is the function I use to initiate Ajax: [code=javascript] function createRequest() { var request = null; try { request = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (trymicrosoft) { try { request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (othermicrosoft) { try { request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (failed) { request = null; } } } if (request == null) {alert("There was an Error, please try again");} else {return request;} }[/code] It assumes that you are either on IE or Firefox. Generally speaking, most JS that works on Firefox should also work on other browsers (IE is the exception). Do you see a problem with this function?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey guys, thanks a lot for pointing this out. I just downloaded Opera, and I see your point. Great work. Oh btw, Opera is awesome...second only to, Firefox
Opera - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey guys, thanks a lot for pointing this out. I just downloaded Opera, and I see your point. Great work. Oh btw, Opera is awesome...second only to, Firefox lol@Cappy.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
That's awesome. But you know, we will definately integrate a chatroom on Shuzak. I am a loner and I need to talk with fellow geeks. Plus, like you mentioned in the email, we need to build a sense of community. Chat is a great idea. I am going to start working on it today, but it will take couple of days and feedback from you guys.
irc junkies - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
oh God. I had to install PHP on three of my computers..and it was a headache each time. This was a long time ago when I wasn't familiar with LAMP. Integrating PHP with MySQL and Apache, making changes to the httpd.conf and .ini files all required an effort (as opposed to double clicking on a .exe file). I haven't installed PHP on Ubuntu yet, though I am guessing it is easier on Linux.
PHP - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Greasemonkey kicks ass! Anyway, Jack Bauer, I used to have an extension that would store my previous tabs and show them once the browser was restarted. The name of the extension slipped away from my allegedly photographic memory, but I just wanted you to know that there does exist such an extension. Constantine, what is the PDF download extension for? I thought you can just "save as" it on the desktop from within Acrobat.
Firefox - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Really? Damn it. I should've waited an year to install PHP.
PHP - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Hey thanks for the suggestion. I've tried PHPList, but it returned all of my emails back to my mailbox. My hosting company has a certain restriction banning more than 20 emails sent at any instant or 400 emails per hour. The code is simple, it runs in a loop. The function for sending emails is as following: [code=php] <?php function Send_Email ($Friend_Email) { $subject = "This is the subject"; $message = "This is the message"; @ini_set("SMTP","mail.shuzak.com"); @ini_set("sendmail_from","[email protected]"); $headers = "From:[email protected]"; @mail($Friend_Email, $subject, $message, $headers); } // Send mass email to everyone ?>[/code] I will look into Net tools. Thanks for the suggestions guys. When everyone receives spam mail from Shuzak, it will be thanks to you two .
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Ryan is right, it is a prank. Here is Mike's blog post on it.
Google - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Added! Blake, that someone was probably me boasting over Shuzak.
Digg - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Ryan, could you elaborate a little further? I am not sure what "Topic Author Notify on comment" means.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey Johnny, how good are you at GO? I get headaches when I play it.
Games - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Yeah, that is a great thought. Based on your ideas, the "Create Community" webpage now checks for the "permutation collision" by searching similar communities based on the tags. I took a screenshot of it here. The feature does not force any rule upon the user. After all, everyone should have the opportunity to create a rival community if they wish to do so. The wisdom of crowds requires diversity of ideas. Instead, the feature suggests to the user if a similar community already exists. How do you like it?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
This is actually a great idea because on Orkut there are often several dozen communities on the same subject. It dilutes and divides the user's participation.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 5
^ Thank you all, actually Following upon Josh's suggestion, I added the RSS for Zakbook as well. Check it out.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
How about a feature that just informs the user they are creating a community that already exists?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Oh, thanks for letting me know. I will get on it right away. Also, if you can, check the RSS available for your zakbook.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
This is exactly what I was thinking. Let me fix the RSS bug and then get to work coding this lil neat function. I will keep you informed.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Hey Ryan, I signed up for BlogLines (don't hate me, I use GReader), and tried it out. It works fine on my end. I took a screenshot to demonstrate. Where do you think the problem is? Thanks,
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Yeah, there already is something like that running for topics. Anyway, I will start coding this feature.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Great points. How does one make a social software self sustaining when the critical mass of users is low?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Oh no, don't thank me. It was a good request. I've added your name to the javascript.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
I also like Bluff
Games - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
RISK, Chess, and Go
Games - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey thank you everyone for helping out. The rss feed, I believe, is now working properly. Ryan, the CDATA tags worked out great! I was going to use Paul's suggestion (replace < > with their equivalent ASCII code) but I think CDATA is approved directly by the W3C so it is probably better we stick to the standards. Hey Josh, thanks for suggesting the RSS feed for the Zakbook. That would actually help me out the most I will consider other suggestions as well, but we don't want to over use RSS and end up confusing users.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
That's very smart Paul. Here is the explanation for it. I should probably write a help file for it. Anyone wishes to volunteer?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
I can't say I can vouch for Hx10 because that just sounds weird. There are people who claim they can detect UFO's with their bodies. I am not saying they are lying, but maybe they just believe it so much they actually feel that way. It is known as the placebo effect. Evangelical priests use the placebo effect to heal (often temporarily) their attendants. People who cannot walk can sometimes stand up and running if they convince themselves into it. I would classify that as "human powers".
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
hah, thanks. Finally, some recognition
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 12
Lea raised some good points...allow me to explain: One of the things that really used to frustrate me on Orkut was its closed network. Alternatively, I wanted Shuzak to be open to everyone. Rio asked the same question a while back, and here was my reply. It's not fair to penalize people who wish to contribute something worthwhile. This page, for example, receives a lot of traffic from Google and sometimes people stick around to post replies. Basically, I want people to sign up because they want to...not cz' they must. That said, you are right. Sometimes people accidently post while signed out. We will do something about that. As for spam; so far, Shuzak hasn't had any. So we will counter it when it becomes a problem.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey Paul and Lea, I want you guys to take a look at this rss feed. I am just experimenting with it at this stage. Let me know how it works on your rss aggregators. The following is the basic structure I am using. Do you guys have suggestions on making it better? [code=xml] <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Shuzak - Social Network for Geeks</title> <description>Social Network for Geeks</description> <link>http://www.Shuzak.com/</link> <copyright>All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2007 Shuzak.com</copyright> <language>en</language> <item> <title> <?=htmlentities(strip_tags($Topic-Here))?> </title> <description> <?=htmlentities(strip_tags($Post-Here))?> </description> <link> <?=htmlentities($Link-Here)?> </link> <author><?=$User-Name?></author> </item> </channel> </rss> [/xml][/code] How do we get line breaks and basic html formatting into xml since xml doesn't support HTML?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Hey guys, I am glad you all made it to Shuzak (despite the crash ). I am almost American (Toronto, Canada )
America - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
oh yeah, definitely. We need something like this. I have a list of primary and secondary features planned. I will put this on secondary if that is okay?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
We can blame Hiroshima on the pilots or we can blame the American government for it. The fact is, anyone involved in building or using lethal weapons is committing a crime. Edward Teller proudly claimed the title "Father of the Hydrogen Bomb"...what good has his bomb really done for humanity? Are we safer now thanks to him?
the physical world - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Josh, it's not really a big deal but thanks, I appreciate it. I just regret that between coding, and administrating, I miss out on responding to all zaks I receive. It must really piss off people Hey Victoria, that is a great idea. I will look into it.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Yeah, I thought of a similar sort of chatroom. As Paul pointed out, chat rooms build a community; something we really need on Shuzak at the moment. I will think over the AJAX design and propose my ideas to you guys. You guys can be the global moderators. oh and thank you for pointing out: Also if you were to do this, there should be a timeout to stop people leaving a page open and allowing it to update over and over.. That is really helpful.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Thanks Paul. I will be doing that soon. I wanted to make sure the new server is up and running before tweaking them
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Thanks for pointing that out. I will add the RSS feeds today, alright guys?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Hey Paul, I was thinking about adding a karma stats page like Victoria mentioned. It would be fun to see who is giving karma to whom, and also, who has the highest karma in the network. I don't wish to flood people with too much detail, though; that is the job of MySpace.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 6
Hey, nobody ever thanks me for coding Shuzak
irc junkies - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
You are right. I have been thinking of adding chat system too. We need a chat system to complement community conversations rather than replace them. Anyway, it will certainly be added to Shuzak some time from now. RSS feeds are a must. I am going to add them tomorrow or the day after. Thank you for reminding.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
The scientists involved in the Manhattan Project are criminals. They were under the belief that they were doing something "good" for the mankind. They weren't. There actions have resulted in many many lives. Science is often, but should not be, pursued for political reasons alone. There is a bigger picture we miss out when we focus on earthly problems. All we can do is go with the flow, because ultimately the Universe will unfold itself to us through the passage of time. Any human problems we face are temporary.
the physical world - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Apple has a history of keeping their products closed. Unfortunately, this too is the case with the iPhone. Software Developers will not be provided the APIs to develop applications on this powerful mobile device. Anyway, for all those who will never be able to afford this (including me), watch this and burn:
Apple - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Shuzak allows private messages. I will send you one to show demonstrate. I don't think Shuzak is under immediate threat of an attack but it doesn't hurt to be safe.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Hey thanks. Is there a reason to believe they are insecure? And do you have more advice regarding the issue? I will get on it immediately on your lead.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
What you can do is start with a bit of energy and convert that into a particle-antiparticle pair. You'll wind up with the same amount of mass-energy - it's just that some energy has been replaced by an equivalent amount of mass. Bring those two particles into contact, and they'll annihilate each other, releasing an equivalent amount of energy. That is sort of what I meant. Electron and Positron are anti-particles. So if you manage to co-create 1/2 kg of Electrons and 1/2 kg of Positrons, the overall energy is still conserved. The two will, of course, annihilate each other unless they are taken apart. oh btw, Photos have no rest mass. So yeah, both of you are wrong
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Well, when I am designing I keep a application called "HTML Color Codes" open so I can see all the colors infront of me. Sorry, I suck at it too, otherwise I would've suggested something more useful.
Internet - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Oh yeah, I didn't think of "most replies" before. I will make sure I add that.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Let's discuss this a little further. How about we introduce a sorting feature on the search page. For example, people could sort topics by "Karma, Date, or Author". Is that better?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
hey Drew, did you mean sort topics by karma on the community.php page? I am not sure if that's a good idea because high karma topics end up gaining more karma and therefore alienating the rest. The rich get richer at the expense of poor.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey Drew, I implemented the feature you suggested. I included sorting by Oldest/Newest and Karma instead of sorting by Karma, Date, Author and number of replies. There are two reasons for it: 1. I don't want to confuse people. 2. We don't need to sort through "Author" because the search already has an option to search by author name. Also, the number of replies is not "too" useful at this stage since there aren't that many topics. It is still a useful feature so we will implement it in the future instead. Here is a sample sorting page. That reminds me, we should probably include pagination. Oh and Drew, take a look at the HTML source code..there is a surprise
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey Hx10 and Paul, it is a "glorified" forum. lol. Most other social networks center around peer-to-peer networking. This is not what Shuzak was designed for. Shuzak is supposed to connect peer-to-community. As a community oriented social network, it is important that the focus remain on discussions. Constantine suggested this as well; the interactivity needs to increase. Part of the reason why it is low is because there are a little over 2000 members on Shuzak at this stage. Moreover, there is also a low peer-to-peer connectivty that needs a boost. This is something we need to work on. There are three key developments I am looking forward to on Shuzak. 1) Monetarily compensate everyone for any ad revenue generated on Shuzak. 2) Introduce rudimentary artifical intelligence into the system. 3) Develop more community oriented activities. I thought it would be nice if we develop something like a collaborative chess game. This has nothing to do with Shuzak's objectives, other than it gives people more reason to spend time here. I am open to suggestions so shoot away
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Constantine, amen to that. I hate cellphones. If it were not for societal pressures, I would've never even touched one. Saba, Nokia 6280 is an awesome phone. You are not planning on travelling to the moon on one are you? If it works, it is good. I will be buying the iPhone around 2011...I could probably afford it by then.
Gadgets - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
okay, i'll read this again when I come back because I just got confused. But from what I know, it is theoretically correct to assume that the universe has n-dimensions. Where n can be any number you like. I think this was first postulated to make string theory plausible (since M-theory math works in an 11-dimensional universe).
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
^ aha, the usability test. smart. Now all we need are friends...someone know how to get those?
Internet - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Gravity stands out as a loner when we examine the four fundamental forces of nature. The problem is that the other three forces of nature have many attributes in common (such as, they all attract and repel) and therefore can be mathematically interlinked. But because Gravity is so different, physicists have a hard time finding the common ground between that and the other three forces. String theory solves this problem by proposing that all four forces actually originate from the variant vibrations of energized strings. The problem with string theory, though, is that it is not directly observable. Oh and let's not forget that it implies the Universe is 11-dimensional
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
wow, that is really interesting. Correct me if I am wrong, but is the following assumption true: Let's say the total mass of the universe is 50 kg. Now if we add +1/2 kg electron and -1/2 kg positron to it, we will still be left with a (50 +1/2 -1/2) = 50 kg of matter. Therefore, without violating the conservation of energy, we have managed to add an extra electron and positron to the universe. I have always assumed this to be true so I would like someone to tell me if it isn't. Regardless, the total mass of the Universe wouldn't make sense if it consisted of ten million million million million million million million million million million million million million million particles or just one particle. But perhaps, Hammaad's topic helps us understand how the Universe could grow so big from nothing.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
lol. I could do that, but I thought constantine had something particular in mind :-/
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
oh lol. It is possible. What would you like it to change to?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Is it really? I always assumed the probability must conserve. Let's say you flip a coin 10 times, and 9 out of those attempts, you get "heads". Is it not more likely that the next time it will be "tails"?
Quantum Mechanics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Josh, are you sure about the h# elements making a difference? Most webdesigners use CSS now. I have not used those elements for the past 3 years
Search Engine Optimization - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
$200? I could buy half of iPhone with that amount.
Gadgets - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
My computers are fine (most with 1 gb ram, 2.5 GHZ, and the usual). The only problem might be my graphics card. I bought my computers for coding purposes only. But now I have that game fever back Rise of Nations is awesome. Ceaser 4 is too complicated.
Games - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey thanks for pointing out the link. I ordered the book "The Wisdom of Crowds: why the many are smarter than the few and how collective wisdom shapes business, economies, societies and nations". It will make for a good reading.
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
lmao! Hammaad, have you memorized the ToS?
Brazil - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Daniela Cicarelli YouTube Ban Lifted Today, Sao Paulo state Supreme Court Justice Enio Santarelli Zuliani reversed the ban, but warned he could still could reinstate it if YouTube fails to build software that prohibits access to the clip (YouTube promised they would have their copyright protection system in place by the end of 2006, which could have prevented users from reposting it). Great, the world is back to normal.
Brazil - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Nadeem, a western word for it is "Rape". lol. Yes Hammaad, we all know you're smart. No need to prove it here.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Of course it's pricey; it's Apple! The only thing bad about it is its support for 2G network rather than 3G. Other than that, the phone is a remarkable step forward. This lil' gadget is going to wipe the market off blackberry's feet!
Apple - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Well, Josh, do you like it? Also, have a look at the source code of any page on Shuzak
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
I think she is being silly. More people have seen her video now than they would've if she keep it quiet.
Brazil - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Do to others as you would have them do to you
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Welcome to Shuzak Manu. Thanks for pointing out eztvefnet.org In your opinion, is it better than TorrentSpy? lol@Gokul. Tell me you are joking! Shuzak is your favorite site?
Internet - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey Josh, thanks for pointing out the database part. I did my research, and planned out how it could be coded most efficiently. Thanks to you, we can look forward to having it implemented on Shuzak soon Yeah, it is possible that people might be logged in but leave the website (I usually do that ), so what we can do is show a little yellow highlight on the webpage when a new zak is posted. It could stay on the page as long as the zak hasn't been looked at by the person.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Yeah, I agree with Joseph, that website isn't credible. I wouldn't read too much into it even if it were. Statistics indicate that religious people are more generous with charity than atheists. However, it may also imply that atheists are poor and therefore unable to give away more. This statistics you presented could be a result of another underlying cause. For example, many french prisoners convert to Islam or are already Muslim when they enter the penitentiary. Does this imply that Islam is making them steal chickens? It is more likely a result of the ghetto life many french muslims must dwell in. Anyway, this topic was about the credibility of evolution. I have reached the conclusion that when it comes to science, I trust atheists far above religious people. And that is coming from a religious person.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
ah, Nadeem did I not warn you? Here is something valuable I learned about the human mind: the brain's school of thought cannot be turned around against itself by an outsider.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Hey that's a great idea! It makes sense to simply display "New Zak Posted" when the person is logged in instead of emailing them. Good suggestion. Let me think over how to implement it. We will probably have to use cookies to check if the person is logged in.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
+1 Karma to Nadeem for not asking Joseph for his unscientific view on the unscientificness of the scientific study of evolution.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Don't ask him that, please. I am warning you.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
There are 800 million illiterate individuals in India. That is a big population to tackle. There can never be a developed nation without developed educational reforms. India is heading towards the right direction, but it will take much longer than that for a turn around.
India - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Both Nadeem and Hammaad have great points. Nadeem deems evolution as science while Hammaad proves that it is observable. To further elaborate on Hammaad's observation, the SARS virus rapidly mutated into various forms. One of the key hurdles in finding the cure for it was that it kept evolving rapidly on a global scale. Let us not kid ourselves: The people who believe Evolution is false are almost always religious. This is the only reason why we even "need" to debate over this issue anymore.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Hey Zzbbyy, thanks for the criticism. The text formatting used on Shuzak is based on a standard Bulletin Board (BB) format. The reason we decided not to use "filtered" HTML is because it would've confused the person writing the post (i.e. what HTML tags are allowed/disallowed). Also, we do use [link=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReStructuredText]ReStructuredText[link] for forming links. You just need a forwardslash at the closing link tag. Does that help?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Yeah, and black holes don't exist because we can't see them.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Nadeem, what you just wrote there is beyond me If you find time, please further elaborate on it. And Tilo, do you seriously have a binary watch? haha, nerd! I would've to agree with Paulancka; the Universe computes the flow of orange juice as we drink it: 0, 1 and the superposition. Interestingly, neurons also compute in semi-binary since each signal must achieve a certain electrical threshold for the neurons to fire.
Programmers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
For a computer scientist, discrete math is god. For an engineer, it is calculus. For Richard Dawkins, it is evolution. . . . There is no single greatest achievement of science. For this topic's sake, though, we can point simply to the invention of the "wheel"
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
ROFL@"We need to outnumber these indians quickly!!!!" Nadeem, I wouldn't underestimate the Brazilians. They seem to have already taken control of Orkut. Where were you living in Bombay? Anywhere close to the Juhu beach?
Brazil - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
haha, well that did not happen until after the Church lost its stand on religion over state. To think of it, in some countries, it still hasn't
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Is there some inside string theory joke that I should know of?
Quantum Mechanics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Following are the three excellent points Brian made: 1. The Universe has an inherent free will due to the Uncertainty Principle: 2. A new reality is formed each time there is a decision to be made (as is the case with the Schrodinger's cat: ). Instead of free will, we have a possible solution created for every decision. 3. Brian summarized his third point good enough himself: If relativity's prediction of the theoretical particle known as the tachyon (particles that are born traveling faster than light and thus move backward in time) is true, it could even be said that the past is not and never will be determined as well. As long as an interaction can occur between matter in the universe and particles traveling backwards in time it is possible that the past could change. The past could be constantly changing and we'd never know it: because of causality, the present would change along with the past (including the memories and experience of the people living in the present) I suggest everyone read his posts. My mind is in a twist.
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
urghhh, Professor Tab is right. The angle in Euler's identity gives the imaginary part a value of zero.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
The graphics on Rise of Nations/Rise of Legends are stunning! I am pretty sure the game wouldn't even run on my computer
Games - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
ahh that looks surprisingly similar to Lorentz Time Dilation. I will take a closer look at it in a little while.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
+1 for Gmail. My love, my life. Here's my list: 1. Shuzak: Just when you thought social networks suck, Shuzak came along Yes, I am biased. Very, very biased. 2. Google Reader: My Source of new at the speed of electricity. I am subscribed to atleast 100 news feeds, including Digg, Slashdot, TechCrunch, Mashable, etc. I can also read GMail on GReader (though, I haven't tried that yet). 3. YouTube: Internet would be 5% boring without it. 4. PHP.net: Perhaps one of the greatest user collaborative documents available online. 5. Google Search: Almost forgot to mention this one hmm, that's all for me. What about you other guys? Constantine, those are some pretty cool websites. I bookmarked "Practical PHP Programming" and was amazed by the speed of "GotAPI" query function. wow.
Internet - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 6
Good to see you here. You will probably find a lot of fellow Brazillians here Take a look at a similar article where everyone seems to be introducing themselves.
Computer Security - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
lmao, that is euler's identity added with a geometric series. It ends up being a complex number, but the geometric sum actually converges.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
btw, you mentioned that the particle is moving in the "x direction". Are we assuming that the particle does not naturally move in a circular direction? In the presence of an electric field, particles tend to move in circular motion tangent to the field (apply the Right Hand Rule).
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Oh yeah, I am pretty sure it's the Pleiades constellation as I have seen it visible through an average telescope...and it looks awesome Anyway, you are right. It would clearly lower the barrier. Based on a person's interest, we are going to have "recommended communities" on Shuzak in the future, too. For now, I would like to see a system that allows people to import/export their About Me, Age, Location through an open database. How about we take this into serious consideration in the future when Shuzak grows out a little bit? It is definitely a step in the right direction. When we do take this step, I would like you to spearhead it
Social Networks - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
lol, nice community photo...is that the pleiades constellation? Anyway, startups are businesses. And as a business, they act in their own self interest. There are three reasons I can think of as to why social networks are "that anti-social" 1) Nothing in it for them: Friendster will get much more out of MySpace opening up than MySpace will if Friendster did the same. 2) Startups have little time to do "extra" things: Startups innovate fast. These are companies with about two or three employees (including the founders) so there is little room to do things outside of what is required. 3) There aren't enough startups already doing it: Smaller crowds follow the larger crowds. If the big players aren't doing it, than neither will small startups. However, as this current trend in an "infinite" sea of social networks rise, most startups will begin to integrate an open standard. It is only a matter of time before they open up...they have to or the users will rant them to death.
Social Networks - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
How does it compare to Ubuntu?
Arch Linux - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
In Jinhan we trust.
Games - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey, a rotating magnet should create a rotational magnetic field. If we were to place a magnet inside a coil and moved it back and forth, it would induce a current within the coil due to the presence of a changing magnetic field. Using the right hand rule, I am guessing that we can generate the same sort of effect in a torus shaped coil. Mathematically speaking, the equation for magnetic field is . Clearly, the magnetic field is a vector, so it makes sense to assume that a rotational motion would induce current just as it would in a linear motion.
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I don't know about conscience but ampathy sure is. Natural selection is not just the survival of the fittest, but rather the survival of an entire species. If ampathy did not exist, the system would collapse under the selfish gene. We need ampathy to survive as a species. We need selfishness to surive within that species. So yeah, opposing forces.
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
I am not sure Jinhan. If I type something in Mandarin, and press "Instantly Preview", it works fine. But it doesn't work when I post something in Mandarin. Technically speaking, it should work
Chinese IT Bloggers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey, you guys can use LaTeX for equations.
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Chinese IT Bloggers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
I am not a Linux expert, so could someone enlighten me as to why there are so many distro's out there? People already have trouble migrating to Linux, and these innumerable choices just end up adding more to the frustration.
Linux - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
I agree with David. Blogging and Social Networking democratized the internet by giving everyone a voice. Most non-bloggers don't realize how much time it takes to compose a single post. Every word and every thought has to be perfect...so it is pretty time consuming. Anyway, before coding Shuzak, I had to decide what programming language to learn. The good thing about ASP.NET is that it integrates easily with Visual Studio. But ever since Microsoft abruptly pulled support for VB6 (yeah, I used to code in it ) I have been reluctant to go the Microsoft way. PHP provided an easy way out. It has a great community support over at php.net. Moreover, it is incredibly easy to learn. I am afraid of using Java. Friendster recoded their entire site from Java to PHP since Java was rendering it too slow.
bloggers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I would definitely pick the first one. According to Game Theory, it is beneficial to choose the less likely alternative to avoid competition But I get what you mean. We slaughter animals for food and fur. Everyday, our cars pump tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. We are not evil, it's just a matter of survival of the fittest. Sexual selection is not something we grow to learn, it is coded in our genes. This is why we do it just as much as other animals. Is it morally justified? Maybe not to our conscious brain; but it's how mother nature intended. ps) I am not trying to be shallow.
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
I think it's evolutionary. Male looks for any mate they can find. While the female looks for a mate that can help reproduce a healthy offspring. This is why women hunt for the supermen among us while the men suffer from lookism.
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received:
Yeah, I should probably do that mod_rewrite sometime soon. I asked Google regarding the id parameter and they said they no longer interpret id for "sessionid". But it's still better not to use it just to be safe.
Search Engine Optimization - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey David, I have read on a number of locations, including on Google (https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/docs/en/about.html) that URLs like that are search engine friendly. This is why many blog applications convert the post titles to a readable format rather than random strings of numbers. Eventhough this has nothing to do with PageRank, it is still important because Google uses about 100 different methods (including PageRank) to query their database. You are right about the obscure topic titles. I have noticed this myself. Perhaps there should be an option for moderators to change the title of the topic.
Search Engine Optimization - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
Just out of curiosity...do you guys believe it exists?
Occultism - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Yeah I thought so too! I don't know any Japanese named Brian. Actually, I don't know any Japanese at all!
Anime - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
cheers to the last post. I also think that all magic is eventually scientifically explainable. But the question is, if science can explain something supernatural, then what's so supernatural left about it? For example, we know that the left lobe of the brain interprets religion. If religious feelings are merely a consequence of neurons firing, then is it really supernatural? I was watching a documentry on phantom limbs, wherein a guy actually claims to be God. The problem was that his left lobe was damaged
Occultism - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Linux - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
err...what's a blender?
Computer Simulation - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
lol, sorry Brian that's partly my fault. The "Instantly Preview" does not work exactly as I hoped it would for Mathematical equations. I am still trying to figure out how to fix it. Basically, if you write something with a backslash \ before it, like when writing an integral \int, the browser puts an extra slash on it. For example, try writing \Brian and pressing "Instantly Preview". Because the browser puts an extra slash before Brian, the math rendering messes up. This problem probably has some trivial solution but I haven't been able to figure it out yet. Anyone got any ideas?
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I love it! I am going to use this to demonstrate Shuzak to newcomers. lol Here is my attempt at it:
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Well, it's really a measure of the geekiness g0 is before you joined. jk
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I was just trying to be cool
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I don't know where to download it from. But I've uploaded all the nice NUMB3RS clips I could find. Some interesting clips from NUMB3RS, Enjoy
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Brian are you japanese?
Anime - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Raito, you are 14 years old and interested in "Matrix Theory"? That's pretty cool. Why are you learning it?
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Oh yes, the angelic language. I don't know much about it, so I can't refute it. What I do know is that the people who wrote about it were dead serious about it. So either they were deluded, or they were right. What's interesting is that Lavey used Enochian interpretations in his classic 'The Satanic Bible' Anyway, what do you know about this language?
Occultism - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
lol@Rio. The equation should actually be:
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
aw damn that's awesome! I remember solving this integral using Integration by parts in a Calculus course. But the way you approached the proof is really interesting. I haven't been able to grasp how you jumped from to though. I can see the pattern of the integral as an infinite series, but couldn't make out the final equation. I will take another look at it later.
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
wow, I understand about 1/10th of it. I will write it down on paper and take a look at it. What series expansion is this? I am eager to see the proof and explanation behind it
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
haha Rio, finally eh? You are not alone in the Universe. Anyway Paulancka, good to have you here. I'll be glad to point you to my reference: "The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was discovered in the 1920s and is known only from archaeological excavations, except, possibly, for Sumerian references to Meluhha, which has been proposed to correspond to the Indus Valley Civilization." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indus_Valley_Civilization
Occultism - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
To use integration, simply put a slash int. Like this \int To add a subscript to an integral, do this \int_x It's pretty easy. Diogo taught me some of this stuff, and its awesome!
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
They always claim Pakistan did it! Pakistan and India are benefiting from the mutual peace, so it is more likely that terrorist groups, with no affiliation with Pakistan, performed the attacks. Pakistan is facing worse terrorism problems than India is. They have internal problems of their own. Nobody cares about attacking India anymore.
India - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Oh yeah, you are totally right. I don't think it's a bug, but rather a feature that is missing. You are correct, I am using Ajax to submit the forms. Three days ago, I was just about to add a form of "feedback" system that you mentioned, but I got distracted by other coding features on Shuzak. Anyway, I will work on it. I have noticed that problem myself. As for the second problem, well, yeah I guess you are right. I never noticed it before. Let me figure it out As always David, thank you. For anyone who doesn't know David, he created "amazing.com" social network. Check it out.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Bertrand Russell always manages to twist my neural connections. Please do not quote him I think you are right though, our knowledge is bounded by the limits of our langauge. I read about a tribe, in south america, wherein the largest known number is "three". They simply cannot count beyond that number because it does not exist within their language. Perhaps we should think about extending our A to the Z's.
Linguistics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
The Matrix theory? That sounds very vague. I am not sure what the question is or I would try to help as well. Are you having trouble with eigen vectors?
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey, is humanopinion.org your website? It looks pretty good, tell us more about it! Anyway, we should definitely record human opinion on the internet. The internet is an open platform, and as with any open platform, there is no centralized repository storing information. The information collected anywhere is used by individual organizations that require it. I do not see any ethical reasoning against the collection of information other than when it's used for obviously detrimental uses (i.e. spam).
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Well, at higher levels, we do not need to think in binary. For instance, there is no need to think in binary to code an even complex application in Q-Basic. But as we go deep, and migrate from Basic to C to Assembly to well god knows what, the programmer becomes one with the binary.
Programmers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
btw, for the fun of it: [code=ruby] # The Greeter class class Greeter def initialize(name) @name = name.capitalize end def salute puts "Hello #{@name}!" end end # Create a new object g = Greeter.new("world") # Output "Hello World!" g.salute[/code]
Ruby - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Is Ruby on Rails worth learning? I thought it was just one of those hip languages (like Lisp) these days. I am amazing you actually coded an entire social network in it. cool
Ruby - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Speedy, that is a very biased view. First, Prophet Muhammad was not a General. Second, the battle of Badar was a battle, not a war. A battle requires tactical maneuvers. A war, on the other hand, is at the mercy of a strategist. Anyway, Pratish, Frederick the Great was a great strategist (though, he came before Napoleon not after). He was the master of organized warfare. Unfortunately, the Prussians tried mimicking his strategies in war with Napoleon and failed.
Military Strategies and War - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
The problem with Free Will is the same problem we have with Evolution. In a religious sense, Free Will is the moral right of every conscious being. The idea that we are what we are not because we chose to be is one that conflicts with every religion out there. That is the reason why Joseph, who also defended 6000 year old Earth argument, is so fired up with his illogical argument.
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
haha, true! I failed Calculus cz' I wanted to take it again, oh well...
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
haha, well as Confucius said "it does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop." I don't think we will stop improving this place any time soon. Thank you for all the help guys
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
That's not a bad idea. I could manually change the display photo but I don't want to offend the community owner
Invention, Ideas - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Speaking of complex explanations, I feel that too many blogs these days cater to people with short attention span. Most blogs I come across express opinion that extends for less than 100 words. It's sad.
bloggers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
hmm..what is wrong with spherical smileys?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Alright, I will read more into this Meanwhile, I would like others to provide input on this if they have an opinion.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
2.0232 In a manner of speaking, objects are colourless. 2.0233 If two objects have the same logical form, the only distinction between them, apart from their external properties, is that they are different. 2.02331 Either a thing has properties that nothing else has, in which case we can immediately use a description to distinguish it from the others and refer to it; or, on the other hand, there are several things that have the whole set of their properties in common, in which case it is quite impossible to indicate one of them. For it there is nothing to distinguish a thing, I cannot distinguish it, since otherwise it would be distinguished after all. 2.024 The substance is what subsists independently of what is the case. --- haha, smart guy. Though, I am not sure what he meant by that quote you posted. I have heard it before, but was he speaking literally?
Linguistics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
No problemo. I am pretty satisfied with the preview too; turned out to be better than I imagined
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Joseph, why do you have a tendency to delete your replies once proven absurd? Anyway, your argument is full of assumptions. You can assert that Earth's the center of the universe, but that doesn't quite prove it does it? You have not proven to us that we are a source of casuality, you have simply assumed it. And just to clarify, the big bang is not a source of casuality. It is simply an event beyond our current science. The instant before the Big Bang, Quantum Mechanics was fully converged with General Relativity (just as in a black hole). We, at this moment, do not have a unified field of theory to explain such phenomenon. But that which is beyond our current level of mathematics does not make it a source of casuality.
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
You are not the universe, you are in the universe. Get over it.
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
I like Rio's analogy. I never thought about it in those terms before; our actions are simply an extension of a basis/unit vector. All the decisions we make are dependent on the initial conditions. We can take this one step ahead and apply them to the Universe, as well. All that we are now is simply an extension of the Universe's initial conditions. The first instant of the Big Bang dictated our fate to infinity. "We are mostly bound to the laws of the universe but not completely. We are one of the sources of causality in the universe." Joseph is most certainly wrong. He treats us and the Universe as two seperate entities. They are not. We are but a tiny fragment of the great cosmos. Anything that applies to the Universe, applies to us. Hammaad raised a very good point. And I believe the point he is making is obvious; there is no such thing as free will, only the perception of it exists.
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
haha, that's what Martin thought too!
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
++++++ ++++++++++++++ yaaaaaaaaaaaay Thank you Samus, that was exactly what was required! I have included a thank you note for you and Martin in the source code [code=Javascript] //Thank you Samus_ & Martin for helping out with this: request2.send("Comment=" + encodeURIComponent(Comment));[/code]
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
lol@Easy topic. When it comes to questions like "What is life?" or "Why are we here?" everyone has an answer, but no one answer is absolutely correct. Free will just happens to be one of those questions that plagued Aristotle, Descarte, and now us. It will never be resolved, but I will give a shot at it. Free will certainly exists, atleast from the perception of an individual making the decision. For instance, if we make our decision based on the flip of a coin, that to me is free will as it was not dictated by any variables concerning the environment I grew up in, etc. On the other hand, the flip of a coin is based on mathematical probability. Flip a coin 100 times and it will turn one side up almost 50% of the times. How did the Universe know what side should appear heads up? The Universe conserves probability, and it seems the coin's fate had already been decided, even before it was thrown in the air. But as I mentioned before, it is simply a matter of perception.
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 5
lol, that's alright. Sumerian was one of the earliest established civilizations on Earth. Similar to the Sumerians, I have interest in the great Indus Valley Civilization. Interestingly, some sumerian excavations revealed manuscripts that referenced the Indus Valley civilization. The Indus valley civilization is somewhat similar to the civilizations that existed along the Nile. The nile and indus river both provided the essential seeds for cultivating an entire civilization along a very long channel of water.
Occultism - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
What's the tax rate in Brazil? Canada is 15% GST!
Brazil - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
ampersand & plus + fixed! thnx Martin and Hammaad!
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Yeah, I thought the problem was with the PHP side of RegEx. However, if that were the case, zakbook would be having the sample problem as well. But it wasn't, so I figured it must be a bug in the Javascript. It turned out to be a pretty simple problem. The javascript wasn't encoding + within the URL when it parsed a comment. Consequently, each time a comment with plus in it was parsed, the URL understood it as an extra parameter. All we had to do was replace plus with its ASCII equivalent. [code=javascript] Topic = Topic.replace("Plus","+");[/code] However, there is still one major problem. Perhaps you can help me out with it. The above replace() function only replaces one PLUS sign. It doesn't replace Plus' ASCII equivalent if it appears in the comment more than once. Is there a fast way to sort through the entire comment and replace PLUS with its ASCII equivalent everywhere?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
yea it is scorpio from Mortal Kombat. How the hell is he MC hammer?
Mathematics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Since 1947.
Indian Air Force - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
haha, alright Samus I will add that. Preview is very important because if you write software within code tags you would like to know what it looks like. Also, later on when we integrate LaTeX for math equations, it will become even more important. Martin, another coder on Shuzak, suggested this as well. Continue to add more to my list
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
selling Shuzak? lol, the site just started! Who am I going to sell this to...or do you want to buy it? lol
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
woah, those names scare me. sumerian, assyrian, babylonian. Do you mean Mythology or is Mitology just something I haven't heard before?
Occultism - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Isn't Vim some open source chatting application?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
I agree with Romulo and Diogo as well. Countries are nothing more than borders. If I like China, I will go to China. I do not owe anything to any country, the country owes me. I pay my taxes, and that should be good enough.
Brazil - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
oh so while my computer was away, you guys had been plotting against me on my own backyard..traitors! Gokul, creamish color sounds good. I will try to work something out. Guys, check out the new profile look...took me a whole day to put it together but im satisfied with it. The previous profile look was too boring and empty (as many people pointed out). How does this one look?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
btw, Graviton, tell us more about einstein.phys.uwm.edu . I wen't on the link but there was no site there.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
hmmmmm, I am sorry for any problems. Are you using Internet Explorer? There are some design problems with IE6 (mainly because Microsoft sucks) but I don't see anything broken. I would appreciate it if you could describe it in a bit more detail. thnx
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Rio, I hope you saved a piece of cake for the rest of 1200 people on Shuzak It's good that this place gets you thinking cz' it would be nice to build this place together. Regarding the notepad. Well, I am not sure why we need a notepad? At this stage, I want to avoid concentrating on too many features. We should concentrate on soft innovations like topic search, math equations compatability, msn/gmail contacts importing. Soft innovations prevent Shuzak from over complicating and make it better for everyone at the same time. I was thinking about adding a chat system sometime in the future. But again, that would add 700 more lines of code to an already very complicated network. But don't let that discourage you; we will definitely keep it in mind for the future. What do you think?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
dunno about other people but I've used IRC (and coded some as well). I love Google's notepad, it's the best web application in the world!
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
oh nice info guys. I left VB6 for VB.NET because .NET is way way more powerful. I actually got the .NET cds/MSDN library and ASP.NET reference book free from Microsoft's website I've heard of J2ME. Like you guys, I am definitely going to learn this since mobile computing is the future. As of yet, I don't know much about it. How do you install software on the mobile if it isn't connected to the internet?
Programmers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
ahh damn it, these lil bugs never end
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
wow, is everyone so smart in here? lol. When I blog, I usually ramble about others and blah blah global warming blah. lol. I started blogging because I had too many lil' notes all over my computers. I wrote a small app. that organized all my notes, then one day I decided to publish them to the world. I got a lot of coverage when I published my first two articles. Around 40, 000 people visited within 2 weeks. And then I got lazy; the end of virtually every blogger Graviton, I love your podcasts. Yeah, it's funny how a few people can change the way you think. I fell in love with mathematics thanks to one high school calculus teacher. Keep up the great work.
bloggers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
lol@San Fancisco vally Brazil? haha I am in the GTA area of Toronto...along side Kipling rd. I was curious about Rio's name cz' there is a character in the game 'Street Fighter' with the same name. I could never pronounce it (Reeo vs. Riao). lol Vivian where are you in Toronto?
Brazil - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey Martin, I changed the star to something more obvious. I hope that's better
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
How is the test going?
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
btw, you are welcome
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
oh no, the plus sign. lol, to tell you the truth, I have no idea. I will jump into the code, tomorrow Do you know why?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
lol, you only get to wear that hat once your karma reaches > 100
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
erm Martin, I am not as smart as you so could you actually tell me what's wrong with < or > ? Does it cause a security problem? The browser doesn't interpret the following tag as X/HTML: < b >Jawad is the best < /b > So it simply ignores it. If < or > have no space between them, the browser will think it is an HTML tag, and interpret it that way. This causes a lot of problems (I could tell you if you like to know).
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
My interest dates back to the time when my dad was an air force. I was born in Chaklala Air Force base, a few yards away from the air strip. For something to float in the sky, it has to be lighter than air. It has always fascinated me that engineers can turn heavy metallic objects into flying machines.
Indian Air Force - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Yeah Martin, I agree with you. The star looks like a bulletin point we should make it more self-explanatory. give me a day
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Are you serious?
Linguistics - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I think I will add Previewing. Editing creates problems when there is an argument going on and the troll edits his/her reply midway. I can think ways around it, but I will go with Preview first.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I see that you guys are trying to use C here. C is actually not supported yet, however I just use Javascript's syntax to highlight C since they are syntatically very similar. Babbar wth? After taking three years of computer engineering, you still can't print out Singh is King? lol@Isaac's code
Programmers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
A couple of people suggested organizing communities in categories. The reason I haven't done it yet is because there are only a dozen communities on Shuzak right now. I will create a tag cloud when the number of communities increase to a greater number, k? Also, as Konartiz suggested, I have created a paged output on "browse communities", "new topics", and "interesting topics".
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey Hammad, thank you so much for pointing this out. The bug would've never come to me on my own. A few days ago, to quicken up things, I made this Ajax submission possible. In the new system, there was a bug with sending ampersand's. I just fixed it. Thank you &&&&&&&
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
oh woah, it does look damn ugly. lol. I never even thought about this before, thank you so much. I put a thank you note up in the source code You migh need to press F5 to refresh your browser cache. Take care,
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Romulo, I never thought about it that way but I think I understand now. My views on another person's beliefs are relative to what I believe myself. One man's angel is another man's satan. Good point. Babbar, Shaitan = Satan :/
Occultism - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
oh man, that just adds more work for me. Thank you very much Isaac 1. I can add Time Stamping to Replies, but it will kinda look ugly because the string "08 November, 2006" will be too long. Should I go ahead and add it? 2/3. Both Waqas and Joseph suggested organizing communities in categories. The reason I haven't done it yet is because there are only a dozen communities on Shuzak right now. I will create a tag cloud when the number of communities increase to a greater number, k? 4. I want to keep white for three reasons: a) It is a universal color; everyone finds it acceptable (except of course, black people). b) It would be hell of a lot of work for me to change the bg color on all the pages. Not to mention several other things (like the bg on Code tags, etc). c) White kind of gives the feeling that the community is open. When someone visits Shuzak from Google, they should get the impression that Shuzak welcomes them. You do not need to be a member to post or visit profiles. I find that too many social networks are paranoid with privacy...which is okay if it is a network for kiddies. That said, I agree there needs to be more color. I need to make the profiles more customizable. It is on my to do list. Thnx for the suggestions btw. They were all great except four of them.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Yeah, I kind of agree with both parties. Like Rom said, Religion is a big part of who you are, but at the same time it might seem too personal to some. So we will just take the middle ground and go ahead with allowing people to change it. The default setting is set on "Religion:" but you can change it to whatever you like. I have changed mine to "Number: sqrt(-1)" as a sample. Are the settings now better? Thank you everyone for the suggestions
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Can you elaborate a bit more on that? Do you mean a feature that allows people to reply to replies?
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey Hammad, it's probably something wrong with the test community. Test Community was the first community created on Shuzak so there are several things wrong with it. Ampersand doesn't work on my end either
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
haha, I use zip lock bags to trap flies. The point Diogo was making is that there is no specific "greatest achievement" because each achievement in science is built upon the great achievements before it.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
From the website Hammaad pointed out: "Just as Buddhism rejects the notion of a Supreme God it also rejects the notion of an abstract God-principle operating in the universe. The notion of Brahman (in the neuter) is not discussed at all in the Buddhist texts, and even in India it may well be a post-Buddhist development resulting from the attempt to reconcile the belief in God(s) with the powerful critique of the Buddha. It is therefore the attitude of Buddhism to the notion of a supreme personal God animating the Universe that we must consider."
Philosophy - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 3
Hey Amit, I enjoyed reading your post on ASP.NET. When I first dreamt of developing Shuzak, I didn't know much of any web related programming languages. I had to decide between PHP and ASP.NET. I chose PHP because it is easier (due to its C syntax) and also because I support the Open Source movement. The support for PHP on www.php.net is amazing (much better than the technically oriented MSDN). Hammaad, I feel your pain man. For some reason, we tend to forget everything the minute the exam paper slides into our hands. lol. But I love your blog, and I am going to study that Chess board as well (I am not too good at reading moves on text). Romulo, we are your buddies now. Write us poetry, lol
bloggers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
I would like you guys to take a look at Graviton's podcast: My Rough Draft of Reality I love it. It is great to actually have him on Shuzak
bloggers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
lol. Shuzak won't become another Orkut. Orkut created a domino effect cz' friends were inviting their friends and their friends inviting more of their other friends...hence creating a singular cultural climate. That won't happen on Shuzak because membership is not restricted to an email invite. But anyway, I am Jawad from Toronto. Lived in Pakistan for 15 years. I suppose I shouldn't be posting in a Brazilian community, but hey I created Shuzak I am curious, how do you pronounce Rio? Is it like Ree-O or Raio?
Brazil - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 4
Alright. I will remove the religion field shortly. There are two things I can do: 1. Give people the option to change the religion field themselves (to anything they like). 2. Provide a new field, something like profession/degree/education or email.
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey Ivan, createRequest is a function but stored on a remote file, take a look: function createRequest() { try { request = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (trymicrosoft) { try { request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (othermicrosoft) { try { request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (failed) { request = null; } } } if (request == null) alert("Please enable JavaScript in your browser inorder to vote."); }
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Test A
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
haha, oh man I love your blog. lol@"I had my MCAT (local) yesterday, and I think I did really bad. Many of the questions themselves were very questionable. Many were antagonistic to common sense. And I wasted most of my time decorating the circles in the answer sheet." I am going to bookmark it!
bloggers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
This is not Fareena and u?
Friends - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Well, judging from the response here, it is clear to me that the greatest achievement in science is clearly relative. None of us are right, but neither of is wrong, either.
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I would've to agree with Manish. A big reason people feel relcutant to use Linux is due to the unavailability of commercial software on it. However, Google can help by creating desktop applications for Linux users. This offers a great advantage for both Google and the Linux Community. Microsoft already reins Windows XP commercial software market with products like .NET, etc. Microsoft will avoid entering Linux market because the Linux community will not openly adopt MS products, also by doing so Microsoft will be making it easier for users to leave Windows for Linux. I would've to agree with Manish. A big reason people feel relcutant to use Linux is due to the unavailability of commercial software on it. However, Google can help by creating desktop applications for Linux users. This offers a great advantage for both Google and the Linux Community. Microsoft already reins Windows XP commercial software market with products like .NET, etc. Microsoft will avoid entering Linux market because the Linux community will not openly adopt MS products, also by doing so Microsoft will be making it easier for users to leave Windows for Linux. It is a checkmate for Microsoft.
Linux - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 2
What we need now is a cellphone + mp3 player + games + tv remote...oh wait, we already have that.
Gadgets - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Test 2
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
finaaaally, someone builds a phone that does what it is supposed to do; dial numbers.
Gadgets - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
yea I know. Everyone loves the good ol C. Tell me more about mobile programming in .NET. I want to get into it as well. Where did you learn how to code mobile applications?
Programmers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Done :) You may now delete your messages
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
exactly! And Google continues to support the Open source movement. It wouldn't make sense for Google to develop a new free OS when Linux already exists. It makes more sense to ally with Linux community and crush Microsoft's monopoly this way.
Linux - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey Konartiz. The communities on "Browse Communities" are the new communities created. Those are not the only communities on Shuzak, there are some more. But you are right, I will add the functionality to scale it to more pages so other communities are viewable as well. Thanks for reminding me!
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Hey Matty, well why don't you take a look at groups.google.com. They've archived Usenet communities/messages there. Also, you can use Google/Yahoo answers for help. Yahoo! Answers is free, while Google costs money. But the advantage with Google Answers is that it is much more researched.
History - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
So you would rather pay $100 for an operating system that doesn't work, than pay nothing for a operating system that does work? I know the problems facing the migration to Linux. Most of these problems are a result of the change in GUI. Linux needs to create a user interface that matches that of Windows. Ubuntu has done a good job at this, but more work needs to be done.
Linux - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
yes, Zakbook is Shuzak's version of the scrapbook. So when you want to use instant message anyone on Shuzak, simply use the zakbook. On Orkut they are called Scraps. Here the people call it Zaks :p
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Hey thnx Gokul :) New languages aren't very hard to learn once you know the basic C syntax. So as long as you know that, everything else is comprehensible. btw, are you more into VB.Net or VB6? I stopped working on VB6 because Microsoft has removed its support for it despite it being the most widely adopted language :s
Programmers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Konartiz just asked me on what platform Shuzak was built on. I should've answered this in the original topic post...but anyway, if you are curious, the platform behind Shuzak is Linux. And like most other sites, it is hosted on Apache webserver.
Programmers - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Napoleon marched to Russia, but due to the freezing temperatures, he had to retreat. Hitler marched to Russia, but due to the freezing temperatures, he too had to retreat. Both conquered much of Europe. And interestingly, both had a very difficult time fighting the British (neither was able to succeed on that). See what I mean?
History - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Well true, matter bends space. The gravity is what happens when it does (though, it is also possible to create artifical gravity through centripetal motion, but nvm that). Scientists have a good reason to believe there exists a grand unified symphony. If you are bored and have nothing else to do, read on; Newton created the first unification model, which basically used the universal law of gravitation to explain the motion of planets and the apple falling off a tree using a single equation (F = Gm1m2/r^2). Later on, Maxwell and Faraday discovered that Electricity and Magnetism are interlinked (hence the name Electromagnetism) since any change in the electric field, induced by a magnet, generates electricity. Thinking it would create a unified force, Einstein came along and tried to unify his General Relativity with Electromagnetism. What he didn't realize is that Electromagnetism and Gravity weren't the only two forces governing the Universe...there were two more! During that same period, Sheldon Glasgow and Abdus Salam made an orgasmic discovery that the two other sub atomic forces (strong and weak nuclear forces) unify with Electromagnetic force at very high temperatures. So in short, evidence seems to be converging towards one direction; unification. What bothers me is that this is purely an assumption. It doesn't have to unify. Also, philosophically speaking, who is to say that humans can interpret the Universe in such a way? An ant does not have the capability to comprehend anything beyond its realm. [B]Human brain evolved to survive, not to discover blackholes.[/B]
Science - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
June 18th was a horrible day. Napoleon lost, and it also happens to be your birthday. But anyway, what is interesting is that Napoleon was confident that he would win the battle of Waterloo. It is easy to point mistakes he made now, but I think one key mistake he made was to invite too many enemies too fast. Everyone felt threatened by him. His legacy, interestingly, echoed centuries later with Hitler. Success blinds like nothing else.
History - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
Just read this: [link=http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/10/selling_solar_t.php]Home Depot Selling Solar to Mainstream America[/link]
Invention, Ideas - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
I checked the wikipedia description on him before posting the question, but they are not really that extensive. Oh were the chuk-o-nu's really named after him? sweet!
Military Strategies and War - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 1
Checking Date 2
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0
why not?
Test Community - Posted By Jawad Shuaib - Karma received: 0