Owner: poss
Members: 35

intellectual property and Shuzak - 05 June, 2007
Ati says
This is a thread spawned from a side discussion in the thread 'a simple hack'.

Due to a discussion between ATB and myself, I have come to wonder about certain legal aspects of intellectual property posted or modified on Shuzak.

For instance, I myself have posted several interesting idea of mine here, and I am curious if someone of greater knowledge than myself in the according laws, knows whether or not I would be able to patent those ideas, having posted them. Also, what if an idea is modified by someone else?

Should arrangements be made to handle the legal arrangements of idea proposed and discussed on Shuzak? Perhaps something in the Terms of Service?

Total Topic Karma: 5 - More by this Author
Admin Jawad says
+1 Karma
From ToS:
15. You will not use any of the posts in this forum without the permission of the original author. Any content generated by a user is the property of that user and Shuzak.

Should this be modified? The person who creates the content is the owner of it.
- Author's History - 05 June, 2007
Ati says
+1 Karma
actually, that sounds pretty decent. I failed to notice that before.

Under that, the original post remains the original author's work, but he has to get permission to use any modifications to his idea, from the people who proposed them.

Thanks Jawad, I didn't see that.
- Author's History - 05 June, 2007
Admin Jawad says
+1 Karma
No problem Ati. I am actually glad you posted this question since it will clear up some confusions. I also got the chance to re-read the ToS myself
- Author's History - 05 June, 2007
poss says
+1 Karma
of the user AND shuzak?

how much does shuzak own?
- Author's History - 05 June, 2007
ATB says
+1 Karma
Actually, Ati, i think you need to look more into rules/laws governing the patentibility (is that a word?) of ideas. i remember from my engineering project management class (back when dinos ruled the earth) that an idea can only be patented if it doesnt exists in the public domain. it prevents people from patenting silly things like the steps taken to wipe one's ass or how to boil water.

btw, i'm gonna have to sue you all for wiping your asses since i have 3 patents here on ass wiping. i'll see you all in court
- Author's History - 07 June, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma

If that's the case, then would it be possible to have Shuzak classified in such a way that it wasn't technically in the public domain?
- Author's History - 09 June, 2007
