Owner: Hrishi
Members: 6

Talk about Coding standard and elegance........

Have you ever written ir seen a code that is so stupid that you can't resist laughing at it????

Let everyone know about it.

prostores vouchers ( 2 replies )
Prostores vouchers provides its users a hassle free set up for their online showroom creation....Click Here | By Schaffer Read
Need Help Coding This ( 11 replies )
Design and implement a project that simulates a vending machine. Products can be purchased by inserting the correct number of coins into the machine. A user selects a product from a list of available products, adds coins, and either gets the product or gets the coins returned is insufficient money was supplied or if the product is sold out. Products can be restocked and money removed by an operator. Can anyone help me out with this.... really need it fast...Click Here | By Shuzaki
Being a Better programmer ( 4 replies )
Some great tips here and an interesting paper of testing for Programming Ability: (http://www.codinghorror.com/blog) I am a huge fan of the blog and recommend it Regards, Rob ...Click Here | By Rob Masson


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