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Members: 2821

New Feature! Post in multiple communities - 19 February, 2007
Admin Jawad says
I wasn't active on Shuzak for the past two days because I was busy coding this nifty feature. About two weeks ago, Ryan and Hobs had this great suggestion that Shuzak should allow posts in multiple communities. I am glad to announce that this is now possible on Shuzak! For instance, this topic is being posted on "Suggest Shuzak" and "Shuzak Current Affairs". When someone on "Shuzak Current Affairs" clicks on this topic, they will be redirected to "Suggest Shuzak" where this topic actually resides.

This should be really helpful, especially for a community oriented social network like Shuzak. For instance, someone posting in "Arch Linux" might also wish for their topic to appear on "Linux" community.

Moreover, I worked on creating a better tagging system. Users get confused when it comes to tagging content since there are no set standards. For instance, YouTube requires that we leave spaces between tags. While Shuzak requires that we place commas between the tags. In order to fix this problem, I coded an algo that helps users understand how Shuzak interprets their tags. You guys will see what I mean when you try to post a topic yourself.
Total Topic Karma: 5 - More by this Author
Admin Jawad says
+1 Karma
Some Technical Details:
To my knowledge, MomJunction is the only other social network with a similar feature. This one was difficult to code because Shuzak's database was never intended to function in this manner. There might be several bugs on it so please try out the new feature and enlighten us with your experience
- 19 February, 2007
Constantine says
+1 Karma
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
- 19 February, 2007
Yue says
+1 Karma
I think I understand, and this does seem really freaking cool
- 19 February, 2007
Constantine says
+0 Karma
So, how do we do it I dont see any new buttons or anything
- 19 February, 2007
Admin Jawad says
+1 Karma
Yeah, there are no new buttons. And nothing will appear unless some tags are entered into the tag textbox. Once the tags have been entered, Shuzak uses them to search related communities. One of these related communities can then be selected to post to multiple communities. I basically used some DOM to dynamically generate the list of communities. Here is the code for making the list appear:
var Ripple = document.createElement("div");
Ripple.id = "Ripple";                        
Ripple.innerHTML = "You may also choose to post";
Ripple.innerHTML += "this topic in one of the following communities:";
Ripple.innerHTML += "<div id = \"List_Communities\"></div>;";
var Add_Ripple = document.getElementById("Add_Ripple");    
var MsgParent = Add_Ripple.parentNode;
MsgParent.insertBefore(Ripple, Add_Ripple);

Here is the full file
- 19 February, 2007
Constantine says
+1 Karma
- 20 February, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
sweet. This could be very handy.
- 24 February, 2007
