Owner: Diogo
Members: 360

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. - Einstein

Binaural beats vs. TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) ( 6 replies )
I've been meaning to experiment with binaural beat recordings to induce altered states of consciousness and/or sleep. Anyone have any experience with this? And then I saw this Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation can be used to induce or improve sleep, improving memory u...Click Here | By zenmonk
Qrio ( 5 replies )
I first heard about this robot a few months ago, and it knocked my socks off. The Quest for cuRIOsity is a remarkable bit of machinery. Equipped with fluid movement, tiny movement control and motors, and an incredible piece of AI, it is possibly the most advanced humanoid this side of the singularity. Here is some basic information on it: http://www.plyojump.com/qrio.html Here is a vide of it doing Thi Chi http://video.google.com/videop...Click Here | By Ati
Animal testing ( 17 replies )
What are your personal views of the ethical nature of animal testing in medical research and scientific investigation? Why? ...Click Here | By Ati
Folding@Home ( 6 replies )
Folding@Home Project From The website: "Folding@Home is a distributed computing project -- people from through out the world download and run software to band together to make one of the largest supercomputers in the world. Every computer makes the project closer to our goals. Folding@Home uses novel computational methods coupled...Click Here | By Bryan
Patents on Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals. ( 4 replies )
I though of this in the other thread about DRM. I just wondered what people think about the patents and "intellectual property rights" on Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals and genome sequences. Should drug companies and universities be protected of their intellectual properties on things like pharmaceuticals and genome sequences?...Click Here | By plutonium11
Cosmological End-Time Theories ( 1 replies )
This is the way the world ends / This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang, but a whimper. Thank you Mr. Eliot, but I beg to differ. Ran across this article the other day and it made my head spin that it even got published. Compare and contrast with ...Click Here | By zenmonk
Is free will an artifact of evolution? ( 39 replies )
We've already done the Free Will discussion, but this /. story got me thinking.... While the media played the "...Click Here | By zenmonk
Blank Sun ( 18 replies )
I saw this on Spaceweather.com ... its pretty awesome. BLANK SUN: The sun is entering its 11th day in a row with no sunspots. This marks the longest string of blank suns since 1996. That was a year of deep solar minimum, featuring blank intervals as long as 37 days. 2007 is shaping up to be the same--a deep nadir of the solar cycle. ...Click Here | By Lacey
Is the space station worth the money for the science it does? ( 3 replies )
Topic post has been deleted by the author....Click Here | By plutonium11
Nature's Map of Science. ( 5 replies )
Many of you may have seen this before if you read science, but I thought it had a strange beauty http://informationesthetics.org/node/20 (you can click on the image for a larger version, much larger) From the site: "The journal Nature started its 2006 Gallery with collaborative work by Kevin Boyack, Dick Klavans and i|e founder W. Bradford Paley. And now, Seed magazine's current issue has a two-page spread of it, and it's the lead �story� at seedmagaz...Click Here | By Constantine
Scientists Say Nerves Use Sound, Not Electricity ( 5 replies )
From Slashdot: "The CBC is reporting that a team of Danish scientists are claiming that nerve impulses are transmitted by sound and not electricity. 'The common view that nerves transmit impulses through electricity is wrong and that they really transmit sound, according to a team of Danish scientists. The...Click Here | By Admin Jawad

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