Owner: p0ss
Members: 12

Favorite Energy Drink - 08 February, 2007
CamouflageNoise says
They keep you up when you're too busy fragging.
They keep you alert enough to notice a few mistakes while coding.
They offer that extra kick so you don't fall asleep at your desk at work or at school.
They are energy drinks.

What is your favorite energy drink or energy supplement combination?

I prefer Bawls to any other drink. But the noteworthy competitors are the Vault, Mt. Dew, and Jolt. And something I've recently begun to enjoy, but can't seem to find anymore, is Coke Blak.

So what keeps you going?
Total Topic Karma: 4 - More by this Author
p0ss says
+1 Karma
i personally like red eye, red bull, mother and monster. But the best has got to be red bull syrup, the stuff they add soda water to to make red bull, some asian groceries stock it, it is not meant to be drunk strait, it is too intense, but it works.. really really well.
- 08 February, 2007
CamouflageNoise says
+0 Karma
Man, Red Bull seems to be the most well known energy drink in all the world, but it just never caught on with me. I just don't like the taste of it. Have you tried Bawls before?

Oh, I've been meaning to try Cocaine for a while, but the one time I did see, I had no money, and now it's being pulled from shelves because of the name. Oh well.
- 08 February, 2007
p0ss says
+0 Karma
never heard of energy drinks named bawls or cocaine

the thing about energy drinks is, the worse they taste, the better they work
- 08 February, 2007
Fibonacci's Wench says
+0 Karma
I like red eye.......
Like you CN I hated the taste of Red Bull until i started skulling one every morning before work and now I am addicted lol
Red Bull is Grande
- 08 February, 2007
Constantine says
+0 Karma
Vault is my favorite, along with that Mt Dew based one, I just like the citrus you know? Red Bull tastes like bull piss ;_;
- 09 February, 2007
hx10 says
+0 Karma
Pure Canadian Maple Syrup + Honey + Pure Lemonade = Buzz
- 09 February, 2007
ZupaDupa says
+1 Karma
I love the taste of Battery, but I haven't been able to drink anything that contains more caffeine than Coke. Or maybe its guarana or taurine... don't know. All I know is i start to sweat and shiver, and then fall asleep immediately. =P
- 09 February, 2007
paul says
+0 Karma
Red bull, it gives you wings. My second favorite is tesco's kick
- 09 February, 2007
Chadrack says
+0 Karma
Red Bull and Bawls..
- 09 February, 2007
CamouflageNoise says
+0 Karma
Anyone mix alcohol with their drinks? I've done Jagerbombs (Red Bull and Jagermeister) but they aren't very appealing. And I haven't had that beer with caffeine yet either.


You got me curious. What do you mean by pure? Would Aunt Jemima do the trick? And by pure lemonade I'm assuming lemons, water, and sugar? I've actually seen honey as an ingredient in some lemonades, but I'm having trouble picturing thick syrup mixing well in my lemonade. Do you heat it up first? Sorry if these questions are dumb, I just can't picture how it all comes together to form a drink. Thanks.
- 09 February, 2007
PatrickRo says
+0 Karma
Rockstar Diet Energy Drink

Read the back label about the nutrients and what its made of and you would understand
- 09 February, 2007
paul says
+0 Karma
double/triple vodka and red bull is all i drink
- 09 February, 2007
GringoStar says
+0 Karma
Yeah... energy drinks were wasting my limited supply of money. Now I just go for the good ol' 200 to 400 mg of pure caffeine in pill form. I hate the sugar crash I get from standard energy drink. But my all time fave is monster. really tasty if its cold and I'm thirsty. and if one hasn't just smoked. really can ruin the taste.

Shit, now I want one really bad.
- 09 February, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
Well, there is a glass ceiling that occurs with energy drinks - if they get too powerful, people start dropping dead and legal issues kick in.

The best energy drink I know of is super-dense coffee, mixed with orange juice and heated honey and chilled to just above freezing. If that doesn't keep you awake for a while, not much will. I also suspect that you could replace the coffee with caffein pills to reduce the weird flavor, but if your cheap the sluggish coffee at the bottom of the pot works fine.

Usually I don't use energy drinks though, both because I like my sleep cycles the way they are, and because I find that my best ideas come when I'm relaxed and trying to got os leep at 3:00 in the morning, not when I'm hyped up on caffein.

- 10 February, 2007
p0ss says
+1 Karma
Ati, i suspect that would keep me up alright, spending the whole night hugging the porcelain god might be one of the less desirable side effects tho..
- 11 February, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
I find it unlikely. The digestive side effects only tend to last a few hours.
- 11 February, 2007
+0 Karma
Ati you look ugly man. You remind me of the stuff that comes out of me after i ate.
- 12 February, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
And you, Not Important, look like a nuclear inferno. You remind me of the destruction of a city.
- 12 February, 2007
GringoStar says
+1 Karma
Not Important looks like what comes out of my ass after I eat Jungle Curry. I destroy cities. Always gotta move afterward. You'd think I'd just stop eating it, but its SOOOOO tasty.
- 12 February, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
Well said.

I quite agree.
- 18 February, 2007
Lacey says
+0 Karma
amp mt. dew! mmmmmm
- 19 February, 2007
