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please update your hyperlink.
Gadgets - Posted By Waqas A. Baggia - Karma received: 1
well actually LG was a merger of two companies back in 1996-97. The two companies were luminar and goldstar. Hence, LG. And as for the use of this e-paper, you can download books and newspapers etc and have it all organized in one sheet. however, i do not know the health consequences of a flexible lcd. Wonder if it emits more or less radiation. if its less, than you can use the same display in a laptop for a even thinner hardware or cellphones etc. implications are endless. as for the newspaper, i dont think its gonna become obselete anytime soon.
Gadgets - Posted By Waqas A. Baggia - Karma received: 1
Science - Posted By Waqas A. Baggia - Karma received: 0
totally agree. napolean was a master of strategy. hitler in comparison was a brute force type of person.
History - Posted By Waqas A. Baggia - Karma received: 0
which was?
Science - Posted By Waqas A. Baggia - Karma received: 0
there is a strong comparison between the two, however, napolean was exiled and he came back to power again. hitler, well we know how times he came back. lol
History - Posted By Waqas A. Baggia - Karma received: 0
for ur info jd, dna sequencing is not the same as the genome, which was not discovered by two physicist playing with xrays (on a side note, one of them believes aliens brought humans into this world...green spacemen in ufos) the genome is the human code (for u programming people). it shows what each choromosome is responsible for, such as eye colour etc, the genome project is of mammoth proportion. more than 1000 terabytes (i believe thats called zetabyte ;) ) so yeah, u can't fit it on dvds lol each chromosome has millions of genetic material or responsible for various definitions. its quite fascinating. but the applications of it r still in its introductory phase. as times goes on, its significant will be better understood and the magnitude of this complilation's effect on research will be unparallel
Science - Posted By Waqas A. Baggia - Karma received: 1
Gadgets - Posted By Waqas A. Baggia - Karma received: 0
but when do we draw the line of social acceptance and personal satisfaction. though it may not seem comparable, if u were the last person on earth, how would you define success then? i find that definitions should be isolated like free body diagrams. if a tree falls in a forest, and no ones around, does it make a sound. yes it does, as the vibrations ossilate which produces sound, scientific fact.
Geeks - Posted By Waqas A. Baggia - Karma received: 3
hannes and konartiz sound like scientist in some journal publication. jd, i told u this a long time ago, its too personal. anywho, according to the nature of this site, it is a good idea to put profession or something thats highlites a person's field. a bio page can also be made, somethign like a brief resume. have u seen the new orkut thing, where u can search for people with similar interest, u might want to think of developing something similar with careers, universities, and even companies
Suggest Shuzak! - Posted By Waqas A. Baggia - Karma received: 2
why u checkn the date?
Test Community - Posted By Waqas A. Baggia - Karma received: 0