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what will remain - 22 June, 2007
poss says
If humanity was wiped out tomorrow, or within the next thousand years. What will be left in 65 million years time?
What traces of our civilisation will remain?
Total Topic Karma: 20 - More by this Author
Fibonacci's Wench says
+2 Karma
There will be no traces of humanity.
There would be traces of nuclear wastes ect
I should probably research first before stating that
*goes off to research*
- Author's History - 22 June, 2007
Hannah says
+2 Karma
... cockroaches
- Author's History - 22 June, 2007
Bryan says
+1 Karma
Plastic. It's the only REAL reason why we are here. The earth could make everything except plastic. It needed plastic, and now that it has it; it will kill us off soon.

At least that is what Carlin says. Honestly; if there is a large enough destruction; the only thing left will be the radio waves that we produced in making TV and Radio. Perhaps a few satelites. As well as all the space junk.
- Author's History - 22 June, 2007
poss says
+2 Karma
whats are the half lives of plastics? and how long until satelites orbits decay? how weak will the radio and television signals be? especially since anyone looking for them from earth would be listening to feint reflections from objects 32 million light years away...
- Author's History - 22 June, 2007
QuantumBeep says
+1 Karma
Bugs will be here. Nothing can eradicate the insects.

I think that, if humanity were wiped out but other forms of life remained, another species would evolve sentience eventually. Perhaps dogs or cats, or even elephants. Maybe the reptoid theorists will have their way finally.

I have little doubt that there will be mass extermination of humans in the future, but we're much like bugs ourselves. I cannot conceive of a circumstance that would wipe out humanity entirely - even a biological vector has limitations, namely the requirement of an incubation host. A gaggle of humans living in a bunker somewhere in Uzbekistan, or a troupe of Bedouins in a cave is all it takes to jump-start humanity again.
- Author's History - 22 June, 2007
GringoStar says
+2 Karma
the plastics will break down before the half-lives of the individual elements comes into play.
- Author's History - 24 June, 2007
Viczy says
+2 Karma
- Author's History - 25 June, 2007
Eclipse, Yue says
+1 Karma
well i would assume all our shit in space would still be there.
- Author's History - 26 June, 2007
Bryan says
+1 Karma
I do not know the half life of plastic. As soon as Share dies, perhaps we will have figured it out? Which reminds me; add share to that list!
- Author's History - 02 July, 2007
ATB says
+2 Karma
Poss, you're right that plastic will deteriorate. But there is a small chance that some will not go away due to some special condition. Coke bottle in military bomb shelter in the desert somewhere for example

and its true that satellites will fall out of orbit eventually but not all will. chances are slim but some might remain in 65 million years (there are collections of dust and rocks stationed at the Legrange points)

there might still be lawyers out to screw over roaches and twinkies for violating IP laws or filesharing though (^_^)

as for all the junk transmission we send into space, i agree with you, quite far fetched.
- Author's History - 02 July, 2007
Bryan says
+1 Karma
Yes I can see it now, a lawyer for the MPIA accusing a Twinkie of downloading "The Fast and the Furious: What the fuck are we doing now?" and the RIAA suing the Roach over downloading the new Pappa Roach CD.
- Author's History - 03 July, 2007
ATB says
+1 Karma
- Author's History - 03 July, 2007
Bryan says
+1 Karma
It shall be deemed "post nuclear death humor", and it shall be glorious!
- Author's History - 05 July, 2007
Re(V)aN says
+1 Karma

this is pre-nuclear-post-nuclear-death-humour.

if you will.
dont know how to embed links btw, sorry.
- Author's History - 08 July, 2007
