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Transformers woooo! Everytime I think about it a start shaking!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Automatix is really nice for newbs, but you gotta try and quit using it eventually. You'll learn alot more without it. I understand tho that some just don't care to learn. Thats fine too.
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
"it's usually not suitable for desktops" LOL, your also crazy. This is so far the best desktop I've ever had.
Debian - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
"not very many people do" Your crazy. We got plenty of peepz! Just none at shuzak And right now I'd take Debian Desktop over Ubuntu anyday. I can say that because I've tried them both. You all should give it a shot. Might be a bit more work than using these "flavors" but Debian etch wins as far as stability goes. You also might learn a few things in the process. The only reason I like Ubuntu now is because they are responsible for converting me and many others from Windows to Linux. But now that were here, its time to explore other distros.
Debian - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
oh cool
Comicbook Community - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Lets do it, I've got yahoo chat and irc, but I can just log into about anything since I use Gaim. How bout u guys?
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I spend enough time customizing my 2d desktop lol. Compiz does look cool tho.
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Maybe someone could tell me why I should even consider feisty? Everything is up and running real smooth on my edgy.
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
It doesn't matter. I would just like to see more people joining and having good conversations about Ubuntu.
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Jesus, reading your stories hurt me! Here is my list! I used to train in the trampoline martial arts. One time I got real drunk and did a forward flip on a trampoline and I did more than a 360 and landed on my face. It bent my head back so far that I thought I broke my neck so I just lied there until I was out of beer. And one time a girl called me and I got a crick in my neck from leaping for the phone. Do any of these count? : )
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Thanks, those are pretty good.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Lacey your so awwesome. I bet you have to beet the guys off with a bow staff.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
ah dude, Raph is a bitch. He does nothing but wine in the first movie. I can't believe your favorite turtle is Raph. Nice read tho, I may actually rent this now, but only because you said Casey Jones was in it. I'd go watch it at the movies if the Shredder was in it. Shredder was my favorite character so I know I'm not gonna like it as much with out my fav character. Just no way!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Man uuhgg, I don't wana finish something with a crappy ending! If I wasn't so deep allready I wouldn't.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Oh cool, I used to love doing fake stock at yahoo. This will be even better.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
How can you guys love TMNT anyway? You were like 2 when It started.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Oh my gad. It's true, I did the math... You guys were barely born when the TV series started. Which makes you guys posers. My god. This can't be! Tell me your not posers! Its ok guys, I'm a poser too. I just recently started listening to David Bowie. DANCE MAGIC DANCE!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I think I'm gonna rent some of those old episodes of TMNT. They were soooo cool.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Yeah your right.
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Does your appz load really slow or something? The only thing that creeps on my Ubuntu is Firefox (loading pages). I found a way to fix that tho.
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Same here, I'm so exited to try it but I guess I'll just wait. Tho I don't know why I'm all that exited when I just got everything working smoothly in edgy.
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Tom, I too tried to use swiftfox instead of just fixing the problem with firefox. It doesn't work. So here ya go. This is what I do. I got this from the ubuntu forums. cd /etc/modprobe.d/ sudo gedit aliases (exchange gedit for kate if your using kubuntu) Now make the following changes to the file: alias net-pf-10 ipv6 off alias net-pf-10 off (you may not find this entry, so add it.) alias ipv6 off (you may not find this entry, so add it.) note: Be sure to search for these within the file without the 'off' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ then open firefox 1. Type about:config in the address bar 2. Enter network.dns.disableIPv6 into the search bar 3. Change the value to true, by double clicking the entry.
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
digg.com went from loading in 20 seconds to 2 seconds after I did that.
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
I hope you didn't take your friends to a cave and kill them...
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
You ever play guild wars? I used to know a guy that went around saying that all the time.
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Yes, I'll get on that. I'm almost done with Wolf's Rain. It started out good but it uhhh kinda sucks now. It's ok, but I really am exited about finishing it and moving on for some reason. Maybe I don't like wolves! Yeah thats it. I need some sword action again.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Ohhhhhh I can't type anything without consulting the dictionary! Curse you Rob!
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Sean Luke Picard is cooler than Obi Wan! that should get things going...
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Man, now I don't know if I'll even bother finishing Champloo... However, that reminds me, I need to finish Samurai seven. Is that english dubbed yet? I'm tired of reading haha! Well now that I had 2 seconds to think, I do believe I will finish champloo. It deserves a chance. What I seen was so goood.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Naa, movie producers just foot the bill. Writers, directors and editors have the tuff job.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
True, right, yes, I'll buy that for a dollar.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
LOL shit... Hey, I was wandering what the hell was up with the ending of Love Hina? I remember seeing the next to the last episode and thinking... this is it. The end. But it wasn't. Because there was one more episode. What was that shit? Maybe my download was out of order or something.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
The matrix movies were all good in my opinion, but the 2nd and 3d didn't offer anything new that the first had already achieved. And I believe thats why so many criticize the 2nd and 3rd. Nothing new. Maybe they should have done as the terminator and waited several years before doing a sequel. Lets just pray that Eregon doesn't have a sequel.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I used to have a friend like mr. Guest. "used to"
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I've been using Ubuntu on and off(mostly off) for a couple of years. Installing video drivers or getting the wireless to work on my laptop would always discourage me from continuing to use Ubuntu for more than a week at a time. I also tried several other distros and came across the same problems, so I finally decided to just stick with the most popular distro and just fricking learn it and I'm having a blast with it right now. Got the vid card working and wifi. I think as soon as I master ripping and burning DVDs i'm gonna kick XP out the door. And I'm torn between Gnome and XFCE. I guess I'll just switch between both until I figure out which I like better. Not much on KDE yet. Not saying its bad, but all the buttons and menu's kinda hurt my eyes. I'm sure that can be fixed but I think learning 3 desktops at the same time is a bit to much for me right now.
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
Ramin, I read that compiz will be included and not Beryl on Feisty. Matt, You might could try Ultimate Ubuntu if you want Beryl included. Tho it actually may include a bit to much... Read the list and make the choice! Ultimate Ubuntu link
Ubuntu Linux - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Hmmm, by your description it sounds like another Love Hina. No comment on that tho, I never watched it, I swear!
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I enjoyed the first 30 minutes of X1 and the entire X3. The rest bored me to death. I wana see an entire movie about wolverine and sabretooth set in canada. Forget the X squad.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
CN, I wish I could do Block Buster, but the closest one is an hours drive away. They do have a nice service tho, I looked into it last month. I hope they keep it nice, because I can see myself moving to that town in a few yrs. As for me, I think I'm just gonna go back to netflix.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Scary movie 2 was a major improvement over the original (IMO). Honestly I didn't even enjoy the first one but I still consider the sequel one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. And as far as the 80s supermans go, I enjoyed them all exept the very last one.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
And the Predator 2 was a piece of shit. Oh and the Crow 2... eww And I think its hard to call Evil dead 2 a sequel since it was really a remake of the first. Now Army of darkness was definetly a sequel to Evil dead 2, and it was funny as hell. I love it! Ninja turtles 2... vanilla ice yeah! GO NINJA GO NINJA GO~!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Well fuck you too.
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
"PEW PEW PEW PEWWWW" Lacey thats hillarious~!
Life - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 2
I thought you guys might wana know about my greencine.com experience, so here is my review of the service. It's fricking slow as shit. From the day I put the DVD into the mail box, it took 9 days to recieve the next. Of course it could just be that I live in a town where everything sucks. Thats pretty posible, because everything I ever try never turns out good. But on the up side, greencine ships its DVDs in a little card board sleave. I betting they get less broken DVDs than at netflix. I remember sending a broken one back about every month at netflix. Final thoughts: If you live somewhere that don't suck, it may be good. But for me, it seems that netflix is faster.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Yes Rob, you should check that out. Really nice soundtrack as well. Personally I'd watch Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust for vampire action, but Hellsing is pretty good too. I like that it's only 13(?) episodes. Easy to buy cheap.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Street Fighter hmmm. I bet I'd like that. I did watch one of the animated movies and it was frickin sweet.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I didn't get to see it on an IMAX but it was still a fantastic movie.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
post that up if you find it, it sounds funny!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Rob, I just realized that my friends love to drive places! So I dropped a little hint that we should find an IMAX hehe. *crossing fingers*
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
You lucky bastard... I would chop off my left nutt to just live 3hours from an IMAX.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 2
No it's not a spoof of FMA. It's a spoof of Full Metal Jacket! No, I'm kidding... I have no idea.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Yeah I love those damned Spartans.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Man I did that way to much last year. I'm really trying to stop!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Thats it! Yes, Lancaster good.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Oh my god, please no! I can't take it! Don't make me whip out the binary talk!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
It's like 6:30 in the morning~! AHHHHHHHHH~!
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
Lancaster chewing tobacco will make you a DAMNED SEXUAL TYRANNOSAURUS like Rob!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
LOL, I seen a guy on the Predator say something similar to that so I had to work it in the conversation some how.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
lol thats awesome!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
In case anyone would like to see what where jabbering about, just fast forward the video to 2:10
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
We need an edit button!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I really wouldn't live by that phrase just yet! A tyrannosaurus is a predator. sexual tyrannosaurus = sexual predator haha I'm so smart today!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
Now thats a fine list
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Clockwork Orange style hmmm. Right, Right! I'll rip off his shirt and show his breasts to the camera and you beat the crap outa him with a stick! Oh wait, you mean the other part in the movie...
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
You know I keep thinking about this topic and it confuses me. I really can't think of many sci-fi movies at all. But maybe what I consider sci-fi is just wrong. What do you consider sci-fi? Would you consider filbo's Godzilla vs Mothra sci-fi? If so would you consider the original Godzilla sci-fi as well? I just usually think of outer space when I think of sci-fi. But if sci-fi can be located on a planet, then where is the hard line that separates sci-fi and fantasy? Define sci-fi.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Rob that helps alot! And I think the matrix shouldn't make the cut because its not a classic yet(IMO). I think maybe a classic needs some age on it. But then again, it just depends on your view of classic. How bout the Thing? It's kinda old, it's classic, it has an alien. It may have set a trend for sci-fi/horror's. It's sorta similar to the Predator. I donno fuck! I'm starting to think I don't watch classic sci-fi. I've seen every star trek, star wars, godzilla, war of the worlds, and the day the earth stood still, but thats about it. I guess I need to put some of these listed on the Q~!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Oh wait, theres a movie that I've been wanting to see. The name had a Dr. in it... and an island... Dr. somebodys.... Island..??? Help me out here. Was that sci-fi? It's been so long since I seen it. It was good tho.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
You know Lacey if were gonna go out on a date, I thought maybe we could start playing everquest, and we could take a nice stroll around the Lake Of Ill Omen and watch the goblins eat all the newbs that run by. Or we could just go cheap and hang out at Orc camp 2 and watch the sun go down as we yell things at newbs like "newb!" or "fucking newb!" HAHAHAH THATS ROMANTIC *SNORT*!!!
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
haha.. IKKK!
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
You found me out, I hate those damned Jarr Jarr people. They think there fancy with their damned underwater city and their damn big floppy ears. Well I'm tellin ya right now If I see one on my porch its a goner!
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I tried an online free roulette table for a while and I finally forged a system that seemed to work and when I finally got the balls to really play they thru in some new rules to totally kill my system. On the free version there were no high or low limits and on the real thing they had like a 10 max bet, so It totally skrewed me and I never actually played. I was rich as hell in the free version tho!
Gambling - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Lets add some star trek and Lexx to that! Star Trek: tng Lexx Star Trek: original series Star Trek the animated series(I haven't seen but the first season of this but it is a must watch. It will make you laugh!) Star Trek the animated series
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Obi-Wan Kenobi (episodes 1,2,3) I just love this guy, he's so damn cool. I like the part in the third episode when he jumps down to take on all those robots and the main robot dude(the one with all the light sabers?). I love the expression on his face; its the expression that says "your about to get owned". Darth Maul IMO this was the baddest mother fucker to grace any episode! Why is he dead! He should have killed everybody and went on to make episodes 7-12 staring himself.
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 3
Hmmm, well I don't know of any sci-fi movies that are good. Oh wait, how bout War of the worlds? The original one. Yeah thats a classic.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Sweet, I'll add them. I think the only one out of those I've seen is the Terminator. That movie scared me when I was a little kid. The part where his skin got burnt off and he got up out of the wreck and he was nothing but metal totally freaked me out.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Someones gotta say Han Solo. They just gotta.
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 2
Those weren't sleeping pills!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Rob, noooo, women don't like that stuff anymore. You gotta slap them and tell them what to do. And if they give you any lip you gotta say "you do it or I'll kick you in the nutts!" Atleast thats what Ive learned from Cartman on southpark.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Rob, did you by any chance watch 'Black belt Theater' in the 80s? Thats where I got my first taste of 70s kung fu.
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Omg, you live in boston. I hope those moononite bombs didn't scare ya to much there Rob.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I'm quite exited about it. I may just have to move that up a few notches on the Q.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
LOL oh man I love some Battle star G. I've seen the first season and I totally plan on getting more later.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
great! will do.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Does Jeremiah Johnson have a beard? hehe And I guess you guys have figured out that I'm currently single. lol and have been... for a while.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
LOL,I don't know how to talk to the ladies. At college, they eye me down like a fresh piece of meat, but thats when I usually trip over a shoelace and hit my face on a water fountain.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
LOL, thanks for the support guys!
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
/trips over shoelace and hits face on sink.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
LOL You guys are killin me.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I made it as far north as Pennsylvania once! But thats where the trip ended. It was for a LAN party. I played in a CS;S tourny and got first place out of about 5 or 6 teams. Won myself a sweet computer case! That has nothing to do with what you guys are talking about but I just thought I'd share my uber experience.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I used to watch Kung Fu in the 80s and Kung Fu: the legend continues in the 90s. I can't remember if that was any good tho.
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 2
I thought I might show off my awesome short but growing movie Q. The Thing (1982) Unforgiven (1992) The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) Drunken Master (197 The Iron-Fisted Monk (1977) Enter the Dragon (1973) The Machinist (2003) Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior (2003) Circle of Iron (197 Casshern (2004)
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
I've seen equilibrium and it was really cool. As for the others, I'm really exited about. David Carradine! Yes !!!!
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
It was stupid, but I really don't care as much as most do. It's just one tiny scene. I guess I'm just not as hardcore as you folks! /runs away and cries /then farts
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
leet, ewww. Thats sooo late 90s. Its all about using a dictionary these days!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
You guys should download the Rainbow 6: Vegas demo. I don't have a 360 myself but I've played it alot at my friends house. I honestly think it's one of the best games I've ever played. Thats just me tho, I love games like that. It's way better than the last rainbow 6 for sure. It also feels kind of like Gears when you duck behind a wall or what ever. You get that same over the shoulder perspective, but it actually feels better than gears, I think. But I haven't played either online so i'm strictly referring to the single and coop play experience. Gears is awesome tho, don't get me wrong. It's the best looking game ever and it nearly made me shit my pants when I ran up on that Berserker thing. My friends made me run thru that part of the game. They couldn't handle the exitement lol.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
Honestly the main reason I wanted to try it is for the 70s kung fu movies. Love me some kung fu! Check out 'Master Of The Flying Guillotin' if you've never seen it and you like 70s kung fu movies!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
LOL, I bet your rental Queue is freeking long.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Yeah I look forward to that series myself.
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
Joe, I watched Visitor Q and once again, I can say I seen something on a movie that I never thought I would see. That was some F'ed up shit.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I'll put that on the Q then!
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Thats great in a way but a shame in another. I had some really fond memories of the 80s. I can attribute my love for action and martial arts films to growing up in the 80s. I'll never forget the first time I seen Bloodsport haha! And the music in the 80s was awesome as well. David Bowie owns! So you see, you missed alot, but at least your still no where near the age of 30 like I am. It's a damned curse!
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 4
Is it good?
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I had a life size poster of Vader in mid 80s. I was a wee lad back then. Good times.
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Mine is up to 6! I'm counting on you guys to help fix that! If I only rented what I want to see then I would be renting alot of kung fu movies and jean claude movies. Oh and I just watched Predator again. Thats like the millionth time I've rented that. Frickin awesome movie but I totally need help picking movies out. My motto is "If I didn't see it, then I didn't miss anything" So you see, I'm counting on you guys to deliver some quality movies that I normally wouldn't be watching!
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Oh dude, Walken is the man too.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Yes and that lady with the red hair was a total babe!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Count me in too!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Indeed. I knew you meant no harm, I was just picking. But to set the record strait, thats no animation on my avatar. Its Kai from Lexx, my second favorite sci-fi! Look into it if you enjoy sci-fi that is truly original.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
"That is seriously me in that picture. i swear it. Why would i put someone else there instead of me, thats just retarded." I'm retarded wooo hooo!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I have nothing against any star wars film. I think there all really fun to watch over and over, but I find it interesting that my 2 favorite episodes were not directed by Lucas. 5 and 6 owns!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
He's the man!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Yes, many years ago. Good film.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
My mother was an Ewok and my father was Jeremiah Johnson.
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 3
I just watched Blade Runner for the first time. Now how did I not see that till now? That was fantastic. Glad you guys were talking about it! It really was ahead of its time. The city shots were amazing.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Try torrents if all else fails.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I'm gonna agree with those complaints as well. If it weren't for Obi wan keeping things fun to watch I think I would never watch those 2.
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
OMG, I can not believe that was Angelina Jolie in Hackers. That is just crazy. Good movie. You know, the term 'hackers' used to be so cool until online video game cheaters took that title. I don't know how... but it's totally lame. You know what I'm talking about Rob. You play CS. I bet you still hear "OMG HAX" every other frag. I used to play CS;S pretty hardcore.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
"Oh me? thanks! haha jk." Yes, you hair is much nicer than the girl in Lexx. She had extensions. Oh and her lips were altered as well... and her boobs were huge... and she made out with this other girl named 'Bunny'... ahhhhh yes. That was a great Sci-fi! I just don't know why I like it so much but I do!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Wiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!! Hey I haven't seen 2001 ASO yet either. It's not like I didn't try tho. I just got bored and quit. Maybe I'll try again and just fast forward to where I left off.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I just wanted to let everyone know that I just signed up for Greencine.com. It's like netflix but they are suposed to be better at having rarities and porn. Haha, anyway, I'll let you know if it's any good. I have used netflix many times as well and I'm hoping this is better. I really only have 1 complaint about netflix, and that is how they like to slow down movies to my house. Those bastards.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Oh and he did one more thing. He let Sony make an mmorpg about Star Wars. Wise up Lucas, you should have played Everquest before you handed over the rights to make Star Wars Galaxies, a game that was riddled with bugs and plagued by underachieving game developers! That game sucked ass, and when I finally felt comfortable with it sucking ass, Sony goes and changes it from major suckage to pure shit. But other than these 4 things, I think Star Wars is fricking awesome.
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 3
Here is a list of things that I think Lucas did wrong. 1) He killed off both Fett's. 2)He invented Jar Jar Binks. 3) He killed off Darth Maul. Why Lucas, whyyyy would you do these things to me! Why would thou forsaketh theeeeee!!!!!!
Star Wars Lovers - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 2
Yup, the soundtrack is good too! But you may have to see the anime to enjoy that maybe.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
No, that can't be you. Your supposed to look like a geek. Your much to pretty to be a geek. Here is me! link to me me me I think I'm lying again.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Wait! I have heard of this. I think he speaks the truth. But I haven't witnessed it with my own eyes yet so... /throws a tomatoe
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
LOL, hey you better watch out. That avatar she has could be fake! Mine is real tho...
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
haha, trust me!
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Rob, you should give it a chance. I totally hate the goofy fits as well but they really slow down on the goofy fits after the third episode I think because the story slowly turns in a more serious direction. It'll have you tearing up before its over. Well it did me anyway. : )
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
I felt that AI could have been a bit too long for my attention span. I think it was a pretty good movie tho. Speaking of Kubrick, have you guys seen The Killing? I frickin love that movie.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Rob, I'll check out The Machinist. I have seen Reign of Fire, it was pretty cool. And I'm with you guys on 300, I can't wait! I predict that movie will be just flipping sweet! Either that or it will suck. Either way, I'm right, and I'll be able to say "told you so"...
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Yeah, I need to sit down and watch that one day.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Yeah Bebop used to be my favorite. It may not be on top of the list anymore, but it still is really special to me because it was the first anime that I came across that wasn't dragon ball/z. And it's also special because it filled in a gap in my life after I dumped my girlfriend because she was a skank and a loser. The girl was not the only gap in my life as she went away either, I also lost a drinking buddy. We drank like fish! So anyway, after dumping her, I realized I didn't need to drink anymore, I needed to be a geek instead. So I played alot of final fantasy 8, watched cowboy bebop, and eventually bought myself a computer and transformed myself from a drunk red neck into what you see now, which is a total loser haha! I hope you enjoyed this story of my life many years ago. and I still drink, just not every night.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Heck yes, those 2 used to come on just before Cowboy Bebop on cartoon network late at nights. I also remember yuyu hakusho from those days. Good times.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
I'll have to see the Prestige since Christian Bale is probly my favorite actor.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 2
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
That's totally rad. I live in an attic. I hear things.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I enjoyed what big O I have seen. It was ok.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
He plays a good snob role. American psycho, batman begins, Equilibrium. Btw, I'm always down for some Christian Bale recommendations. I've really only seen a few.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Anything but artsy. That really doesn't sound good at all. Do hippies make artsy movies? Damn hippies.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I watched Primer again and I'm wandering who that was in the attic? And did that have anything to do with the "rat" problem in the beginning of the film? Great movie btw. I'll probly watch it again soon just to see if I can't figure some more of it out. And its not a bad thing to not understand some of it. Most movies I wouldn't enjoy getting confused, but this one is fun to analyze. And what was the deal with the guy with the shotgun? Thats really the only part I don't get at all.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I honestly wouldn't change any of it. It's a classic!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Rob, fine! I'll watch the 5th element again, but only because that chic is really hot. Sweet peter she's hot.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
Whoa, I watched it. It has been so long since I watched a movie that actually affected while I was sleeping(maybe never). I woke up in a cold sweat, thinking about that damned machine. I think I'm slightly claustrophobic and thoughts of being in it just totally freaks me out. Nice movie! I do have one question before I watch it again and try to make sense of it. [spoiler warning...sorta] What is that machine doing to them exactly? It seemed a bit more complex than just traveling back in time. I think I could piece together most of it if I knew what the heck it was actually doing to them.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Ah bah, I made a mistake. I meant Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (2005). Thats the one I loved.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Interesting. Man, I gotta watch that again.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Yeah Rath, totally awesome movie.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
I think I was eating potato chips during that part.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Yeah, I'll check that out. Thnx!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Nice list. I don't understand the 5th element tho. Was it ahead of its time? Not to me. I found it to be pretty lame. Why do people even like that movie? I mean, it's OK, but ... I need to watch Office space and Metropolis. They look pretty excelent.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Oh you know what, I didn't even realize that was made in 97. I suppose it was ahead of its time. I don't think I bothered to watch it until a couple years ago.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Your so clever hehe.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Rob, please watch Scary Movie 2. It is the only Scary movie that counts.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
http://www.comicvine.com/dating/ try it out, I landed Rogue!
Comicbook Community - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
not that anyone is here or anything..
Comicbook Community - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Maybe the title of the list should have been "One of the first of its kind" instead what it is. I mean, it's not like other movies of the same caliber didn't follow right after. I think to be ahead of it's time, it would have had to see at least 5 years before another movie with the same effect came out. Just a thought tho. I also thought Akira was a very excellent movie. It's weird. And of course I liked the Cowboy Bebop movie! The episodes are better IMO, but it's still a gem in my collection.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
I sorta think the Final Fantasy movie is sort of "special" myself. I don't know why, but maybe I will tomorrow! Back to the books lads! I've had to prepare for 3 tests this week and I'm just friggin give out.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
I think I'll watch it now!
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
No, I haven't seen that. The trailer looks awesome. I'll check it out! And here is the format for the URLs. You can also find other stuff by just pressing that link below that says (formatting text) [link#http://www.some-link.com]This is a link to the webpage[/link] Just replace the # with an = I had to do that so you could see it.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Rob, no I don't think I've seen that. I'll give it a whirl. I'll watch anything that is John Carpenter. I love watching 'Vampires' every now and again. Total classic.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Oh and Rob, if you were talking about Netfixing Ichi the killer. I just wana let you know it has lots of torture scenes, violence, blood, and hookers getting beet up in it(poor hookers), and rape. Thats probly not for kids... Much less adults haha.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
lol, excellent.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I totally understand that. Thats why I was giving the heads up. But at least the guy that does it gets cut in half. Poor bad guy...
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Yeah thats cool too. Just what ever you guys wana do is fine by me.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Yeah, James Wood is de man! LOL omg I just realized that Wood was Father McFeely in Scary Movie 2. Jesus, that's a funny movie.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I watched Hannibal Rising and it was OK. Keep in mind that this is from a viewer that has never seen The Silence of the Lambs or any of the others. So that said, I really enjoyed watching a psycho going around wasting people that deserved to die. It was like a breath of fresh air. Also the scenery was really nice and the war stuff was pretty intense. Mostly I just liked how everything looked. It just felt good. I will definitely be watching Silence of the Lambs soon.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Ohhh you just reminded me I need to watch the Thing again. I haven't seen that in years.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received:
I'll check it out Rob. And I can't believe you guys haven't seen Casshern. It's really cool I think. Have any of you seen Ichi the Killer? Ichi the killer This movie isn't for everyone but I know if you watch it, you'll see things that you wouldn't normally watch or wanna watch... That sounds bad haha, but I'm pretty addicted to it.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
Maybe you didn't pick the right movie to talk about : ) There are plenty of geek movies to be discussing.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
The only thing I do on weekends is party. But I may actually be able to take my laptop with me to the party and watch this movie and chat. I know, taking a laptop to a party sounds lame, but hey, I'm a geek. I can drink and geek out at the same time! Just lemi know what time to begin.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
This sounds like a great idea to me. I'm US eastern(-5). I'm totally open to watching at most times. I'm also game for a messenger or IRC. Just what ever, lets get this rolling! And I haven't seen Brazil or Primer, so I'm real exited about seeing them.
Movies and Film - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Rob, I am a fan of most of those as well. I havn't seen the GitS AC or 2nd Gig. I should look into those one day. I also havn't finished Samurai Champloo yet. Or is that even possible? I've seen probly the first 10 episodes. Speaking of Champloo, that reminds me, I need to finish Samurai 7 as well. That was damn good IMO.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
supa sweet, I'll be checking all these links out. Thnx.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I watched the first episode of Wolf's Rain. Looks like a winner. I'm gonna keep going. That intro song is killer too. I didn't even know what I was listening to, but I've had that song for a while.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I'm working on 30. I think that's all of them. I watched the second epi and when that kid accidentally killed that bird, I felt so bad for him. I sucked up the teer and laughed instead tho. I didn't wanna feel like a wimp. Good stuff tho, I'm loving it.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Well at least DB/z had sagas. It wasn't until the Cell saga and Bu saga when it felt a bit stretched and crappy. Of course DB was always good I think. I've always wanted to finish DB, its so funny watching that little guy run around kicking everyones ass. Yeah, I'd still watch that... totally. Thats about my only exception tho. Man I used to wake up Sunday mornings and watch Dragon Ball and double dragon. God that was many years ago. Good times. I think that was before the invention of cable tv... Was for me anyway haha.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Man thats alot of epi's. I try my best to not watch anything that goes over 50. It drives me nutts. I think all anime should be like 20 something epi's. It just feels right to me. But something that popular is gonna be milked for every penny for sure. Can't blame them for wanting a little richness. Maybe I could like watch the first 20 and the last 20?
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Oh I totally forgot you said Wolf's Rain. I've been wanting to watch that for a while. Does it have an ending? I don't like starting any anime that doesn't have an ending or if it has as many episodes as Inuyasha haha. I used to love Inuyash until I realized that it had so many episodes. Talk about milking it for every penny, jesus. But I will look into that Wolf's Rain. I just read the description at animenfo.com and it sounds pretty cool. And I loved Lain so I'll look into the Texhnolyze as well. Oh sweet, I just noticed your all time favorite is my all time favorite. Good stuff. Berserk really fucked with my head by the ending. When I finished it for the first time, I was like "uhhh what just happened?" and for a whole day I went around thinking about it. I didn't even know if I liked it or not. But then, the next day I knew what happend. I just watched the best anime ever(IMO). What a sweet day that was. I now have to watch that atleast once a year.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
The only thing you recommended that I haven't at least tried is the Death Note. Jin Roh was coo, so was Princess Mononoke. Not much on Naruto tho. I'll get on that death note right away. And I forgot to mention that It's not just action that I like, It's the weird and sometimes tragic story. The action is just the icing on the cake. I love Samurai X and all that sword swinging, but It would be nothing without all that other... stuff... Oh god I can't talk about it, it's too much. ahhhhhhh
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
Dudes, I totally forgot to mention Gungrave. I'm in the process of giving myself lashings for that.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 0
I could use some recommendations. I have been out of the Anime loop for a couple years because I just haven't found much of it interesting lately. So here is my favorite list, and maybe you guys can recommend some nice mature anime that doesn't have anything to do with little 14 year olds trying to run around and be a total bad ass. No offense to anyone that enjoys that but I'm getting old. I need to watch people my age go around and be bad ass. Berserk - perfect example of people my age going around and just whiping some ass. God that was a good one. Trigun Cowboy Bebop Samurai X Rurouni Kenshin - I havn't finished this yet but I will one day when i'm bored. Ghost in the shell Hellsing - I like vampires Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust - I really like vampires! MSG 8th ms team - I liked this but I wasn't much on Gundam Seed like everyone else is. Akira Ninja Scroll - probly my favorite movie Well thats it, I'm sure theres alot more but I can't remember them all since I haven't thought about it in a while.
Anime - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1
I have a very small collection of Iron Man. It consists of every Armor Wars II. It's not much, but I'm proud of it and I'm proud to say I used to collect comics. I wish I could afford to pick that habit back up. I will one day.
Comicbook Community - Posted By Matthew Windsor - Karma received: 1