Owner: p0ss
Members: 5

Unemployed - 26 February, 2007
p0ss says
Has anyone here ever been unempoyeed? What was it like? what is the welfare system like where you come from?
Total Topic Karma: 16 - More by this Author
Fibonacci's Wench says
+4 Karma
Yes I have been unemployed quite a few times since I left high school but for no longer then a few months at a time.
The welfare here is ok I guess....
Its easy to cheat it for more money but just as it is easy to cheat the system they can cheat you into paying back money you never recieved and it goes around and around.
I hate the fact that the money you get is based on your parents income until you are 21.
I moved out of home at 18 so even though I didnt live with my parents didnt see a cent of their money it was based on what they earned and if what they earn was above the lowest of the lowest rate I was stuffed basically.
Also I must state that unless you are really poor and have no family or studying then you cant get money fast it takes agggggges i mean that!
I was poor as in I had not a cent and was staying at a friends apartment and they and my mum were supplying food for somthing like two months before I actually got a payment approved.
What would have happened if I didnt have that?
Yes thats correct..... Starve!
Also the other thing that shits me is that all the charities that give free food ect have to interview you first and decide whether your starving enough to give you a a pathetic amount of money in vouchers to get food.
Then you wonder why I didnt get a job in this time?
That would be because its a vicous cycle....
No money = no money for transport
no money for interview clothes
The list goes on.
- 26 February, 2007
p0ss says
+2 Karma
My story is similar to fibs's in that i had to deal with the same welfare system.
I was unemployed and living alone for i dunno.. 6 years.. somethign like that. I first started recieving welfare benifits from the moment i was born, my mother was 16 and my father was 17 with a broken arm, they could find no work. I only got off benifits about 1 year ago. That is 23 years on welfare, i can't imagine what i would have done without it. Probably a lot more crime.

I have also been homeless, I shared park benches with rats, hitched from town to town, busked for my food. There is another world out there that we never see from our air conditioned comfort.
- 27 February, 2007
Constantine says
+1 Karma
I am currently unemployed and looking for work, but I have never had to experience that level of poverty before, I am glad that you have the tenacity to not give up p0ss, you are win.
- 27 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+1 Karma
I was only ever unemployed once, during the infamous Internet Bubble Crash. I was laid off in June of 2001, broke up with my girlfreind who I was living with in July and moved into my new Apartment in September. I was still in a great state of mind as despite the crash the job Market was still allright and I was planning on having no problem finding work.

I was unpacking and settling in to my new apartment with my new roomate on Sept. 11 when the World Trade Centers were hit and everything in the northeast came to a grinding halt. I was a Canadian Citizen working in the US and that was not a good thing during that time.

It took me until December to find work and because of certain aspects of my Visa I was not eligible for Unemployment.. It was some rough times! I was glad for friends and family and their kindness to me when I needed it so badly.
- 27 February, 2007
hx10 says
+1 Karma
I've never been employed, yet I have money so woo to me.
- 27 February, 2007
p0ss says
+0 Karma
wooo000oooo hx10 !!!

consider yourself wooed.
- 27 February, 2007
Fibonacci's Wench says
+2 Karma
wooooooooooooo hooooooooo
- 27 February, 2007
Fibonacci's Wench says
+2 Karma
I wish I was a Colombian drug lord too Hx10
- 27 February, 2007
Scorcho says
+0 Karma
I was unemployed for 3 months but I was lucky enough to have enough saved that I didn't need welfare or anything, it still wasn't pleasant and to this day even though I have a job and live back at home I still rarely spend any money and pinch pennies.
- 27 February, 2007
Fibonacci's Wench says
+2 Karma
@ Scorcho

I know what you mean about being a scrooge!

Its good and bad i have to say.

I mean obviously its always good to have savings but its horrible when you constantly feel bad if you spend it on somthing for yourself or a night out ect when you can actually afford it!

Its a fickle world.....

(*shruggs* I just felt like typing fickle lol)
- 27 February, 2007
Scorcho says
+0 Karma
Well I've been trying to buy a freaking Nintendo Wii for like a million years now but there are none in my area. That will probably be my next big item purchase.
- 27 February, 2007
Fibonacci's Wench says
+0 Karma
*pats u on the back*

I got one at Christmas lol

nah I know the feeling....

There are no wii remotes for sale or any games coz everyone is sold out and the ones that come in are all pre-ordered by people *sobs*
- 27 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+0 Karma

"fickle" is a Fun word... like "higgly piggly"... ok that's two fun words.. *LOL*
- 28 February, 2007
Fibonacci's Wench says
+0 Karma
@ Rob

haha yes I agree I like using fun words...

seriously it doesnt get better then throwing random words into sentences throughout the day, it makes life that litte bit more interesting
it is also fun if your not saying anything and then *cough* "higgly piggly" (you say somthing random for no reason outloud) lmao
- 28 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+1 Karma
Fibbs... Oh I LIKE that... I'll try it at the office tomorrow! *grin*

I love words that freak people out... I started using the word "Interstitcial" a couple of years ago.. It means "in-between". So I would talk about implementing the software integration with "Interstitcial" code... I totally freaked people out.. A few months ago I heard the product architect use the word in a meeting and he turned to me and said "You know I HATE that word right.." We both fell out of our chairs laughing..

Words are fun.. *grin*
- 28 February, 2007
Fibonacci's Wench says
+0 Karma
hahahaha thats Gold!
- 28 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+0 Karma

Feel free to use "Interstitcial" at every opportunity that presents itself! *grin*
- 01 March, 2007
