Owner: hobs
Members: 11

Noob needs help - 05 February, 2007
Joe says
I just started using Usenet about a day or two ago so I still really have no idea what is going on. Anyways, I went to download a movie, and I got all of the rar'ed parts of the file including a .nzb file and a .par2 file. Well, I went to unzip it and after working for a while it asks me for a password. WTF? Am I hosed? Or is there something I can do?
Total Topic Karma: 7 - More by this Author
Arnie says
+2 Karma
Very odd, it seems you stumbled upon one of the very rare archives on usenet that has been password protected. There isn't a huge amount you can do other than trying to find the password or brute forcing it (which could take forever). I would suggest finding another release.
- 05 February, 2007
Joe says
+1 Karma
Well, that is certainly unfortunate. Thanks though.
- 05 February, 2007
Cappy says
+1 Karma
Usually they post in the NFO or in the title it is passworded. In most cases they send the password out in an NFO about 60 days after it is posted. Alternatively, you can crack RAR passwords pretty fast with a brute force attack, if they used a poor password.
I would recommend www.newzbin.com if you're using newsgroups. I think the normal price is 50 cents a week, but you can search through newsgroups and download NZBs (it means you don't have to do group updates anymore).
There might be some free NZB sites still available but I use newzbin so I don't need/want them.
- 05 February, 2007
Arnie says
+2 Karma
You wont find passwords in scene NFO's as scene releases are not password protected. Personally I wouldn't touch a non-scene releases, as they are generally badly made (aside from the odd movie/tv show re-encode).

Some good free NZB sites are:
http://www.binsearch.info - great search tool and supports 99 days of retention
https://binage.com/ - Although it requires an invite (I don't have any)
- 05 February, 2007
Rathmaster says
+0 Karma
usenet is a good way to get in about five kinds of trouble if you're a minor.
- 06 February, 2007
Cappy says
+0 Karma
uhhh .. okay
- 07 February, 2007
Joe says
+1 Karma
Is it illegal for minors to look at news groups? I know I wouldn't want my kids going to sci.physics or something. Who knows what they'll find.
- 07 February, 2007
not important says
+0 Karma
if you look at the top right corner of this comment there is a star there so that you can click.
- 07 February, 2007
Snowpalmer says
+0 Karma
What's bad about sci.physics?
- 08 February, 2007
Joe says
+0 Karma
That was my point. There's nothing bad about sci.physics. Making usenet illegal for minors is like making the entire internet illegal for minors.
- 08 February, 2007
