Owner: hobs
Members: 11


Noob needs help ( 10 replies )
I just started using Usenet about a day or two ago so I still really have no idea what is going on. Anyways, I went to download a movie, and I got all of the rar'ed parts of the file including a .nzb file and a .par2 file. Well, I went to unzip it and after working for a while it asks me for a password. WTF? Am I hosed? Or is there something I can do?...Click Here | By Joe
What do you find yourself using most of the time? ( 18 replies )
I am a big torrent man, and usenet is great, with the occasional ddls thrown in, a couple of friends of mine use soulseek, but I just cant bring myself to use it. Anything new or different that you use?...Click Here | By hobs
Arr mateys. ( 1 replies )
Any good release websites? I like http://www.rlslog.net myself, and a little http://www.binsearch.info is fine too!...Click Here | By hobs


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