Owner: Jim
Members: 33

Matt Pagnani's Facial Hair - 19 February, 2007
. says
A topic devoted to proving evolution

through the styles of caprus pagnanius ' s facial hair

if you dont know caprus pagnanius then you just can't live anymore
Total Topic Karma: 0 - More by this Author
Cappy says
+0 Karma
Is caprus pagnanius a new fruit drink?
- 20 February, 2007
Constantine says
+0 Karma
I am pretty sure it is a faux scientific name for this fine fellow.
- 20 February, 2007
. says
+0 Karma
omg no pagnani goat, it's a species of pagnani. it when advanced tech was winding down in its cool days and before so many annoying andover kids took it over.
- 21 February, 2007
