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Age: 39
Gender: Male
Religion: Bright
Location: Waltham, MA
Karma: 369.3
Rob Masson's Zakbook
Lacey says 24 February, 2007
And when i make them, they are even more awesome. lol
Lacey says 24 February, 2007
haha yeah, a new hope is cool. i loves it. to death...star. haha yeah im lame. =P
Lacey says 24 February, 2007
which movie is on?
Lacey says 24 February, 2007
k i made the starwars community! join it!
p0ss says 19 February, 2007
You are hereby formally invited to join The Contest any entry, any medium, any reward. Bring it on!
Viczy says 15 February, 2007
I have seen the dark universe yawning
Where the black planets roll without aim
Where they roll in their horror unheeded
Without knowledge, or lustre, or name.

Yep. Good stuff, even if his themes aren't exactly wildly diverse.

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