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Scientists Develop Test For String Theory - 24 January, 2007
RyeGye24 says
says it all here
Total Topic Karma: 2 - More by this Author
Joe says
+1 Karma
I hope that this test tells us that string theory is wrong. I feel that way too many years of brilliant scientists have been wasted on this Frankenstein of a theory.
- 25 January, 2007
Ati says
+1 Karma
Well, the only thing this test could prove is that it's wrong, or that it 'might' be right. Even if the test complies with the predictions made by string theory, the predictions are wide enough that they could be predicted by other possible theories as well.
- 25 January, 2007
jakeslec251 says
+0 Karma
I think M-theory is quite good and if it wrong it was still a good idea. And like you said great physicists, exactly great. And how are they testing it?
- 21 February, 2007
Joe says
+0 Karma
They plan on looking at W boson scattering once the Large Hadron Collider is operational.
- 21 February, 2007
jakeslec251 says
+0 Karma
when will they finish the constuction of LHC?
- 22 February, 2007
Joe says
+0 Karma
They're planning on doing full low power runs in November of this year and then they are hoping to be fully operational by mid-2008.
- 22 February, 2007
