Owner: Jim
Members: 7

Calm Down - 12 February, 2007
Jim Jones says
Listen it's not like what we're doing here is 'illegal' or something scary like that. You guys are freaks. You guys are overreacting with something as trivial as this stupid karma system that some of us love to share.

You see, here in Karma=love we have one simple rule:

Give Karma.

it's not a crime. We give karma. If you see a post, give it karma. it's not that big of a deal.

Some people like Administrator Nazi think that they have to punish us for using Shuzak by deleting our karma. So Nazi admin, if you truly feel that you want us to stop enjoying Shuzak and doing nothing wrong, keep deleting our karma. We'll keep building it right back up.
Total Topic Karma: 40 - More by this Author
Isaac Newton (Real) says
+3 Karma
Sorry, as much as I hate to do this...

Even I'm with Jim Jones here.

It's a stupid idea, actually kind of clever. It's a waste of time.

Either way they really aren't doing anything wrong.
- 12 February, 2007
+1 Karma
- 12 February, 2007
+1 Karma
Jones is almost always correct.
- 12 February, 2007
+1 Karma
karma for my homie
- 12 February, 2007
p0ss says
+2 Karma
By distributing karma to every post you detract from the importance of karma. If somebody says something you agree with or respect, you give them karma.

What bugs people is not that you give karma (feel free!), but that you so rarely contribute meaningfully to any conversations.

Not important on the other hand *is* doing something wrong, spam. Putting 5 posts in a row, all simply begging for karma in an otherwise well thought out discussion, is wrong. I have seen it ruin fruitfull discussions.

Why are you here Not Important? are you so arogant that you honestly believe the comments of other thinking individuals are not worth a bit of respect?

That is what this comes down to, respect. We have a community here, a community based on intelligent discussion and mutual respect. You clowns have been prancing around talking crap in meaningfull discussions, disrespecting anyone who was trying to have an intelligent conversation.

come on boys, we all appreciate the humour, but there is a time and a place for pointless stupidity. The way you are carrying on, you may as well piss on a fresh grave in the middle of a funeral.

One of the basic tennants of netiquette is treating other netizens with the respect you would give someone in meatspace. If you were carrying on like this in the real world you would have been beaten senseless and arrested by now.

You are behaving like childish brats, grow up and learn some respect.
- 13 February, 2007
Captain Clark says
+2 Karma
Poss, calm down its just shuzak. let the people have their karma
- 13 February, 2007
Constantine says
+3 Karma
Or you could just be banned and blocked from this site permanently.
- 13 February, 2007
Jim Jones says
+3 Karma
Just make sure that if you want to post here you're serving up some karma for the others.
- 13 February, 2007
+2 Karma
Fine Jim Jones, continue with the karma love. Make sure to give me karma.
- 13 February, 2007
+2 Karma
- 13 February, 2007
+2 Karma
- 13 February, 2007
+2 Karma
- 13 February, 2007
+2 Karma
- 13 February, 2007
+2 Karma
- 13 February, 2007
Captain Clark says
+2 Karma
poss, i had a chance to read... a couple of sentances of your post. and i ask... how does one disturb karma? and WHAT is the importance of karma?
- 14 February, 2007
p0ss says
+1 Karma
i am glad you had the chance to read, now if you only had the [i]ability][/l] too, we might be getting somewhere. For instance, distributing and disturbing are different words, see the extra 'i' and 't'?
You obviously did not read my post so i shall feed you no more.
- 14 February, 2007
Scott Peterson says
+4 Karma
Thats what SHE SAID.

- 15 February, 2007
Scott Peterson says
+1 Karma
I like karma.
- 15 February, 2007
Scott Peterson says
+1 Karma
almost as much as I like sex.
- 15 February, 2007
Scott Peterson says
+1 Karma
I wonder if I could have sex with karma.
- 15 February, 2007
Scott Peterson says
+1 Karma
Karma is my bitch lover!!
- 15 February, 2007
Scott Peterson says
+1 Karma
- 15 February, 2007
