Owner: p0ss
Members: 12

Veg*n - 09 February, 2007
Joe says
Is anyone here vegetarian or vegan? I'm just curious since I'm vegan and still a nerd, but usually nerds are associated with with pizza, doritos, and mountain dew (i.e. not healthy foods). How many others break the mold?
Total Topic Karma: 2 - More by this Author
Chadrack says
+0 Karma
I drink green tea. But I love my meat..
- 09 February, 2007
Chadrack says
+0 Karma
That's what she said.

Oh and I lost the game..
- 09 February, 2007
Joe says
+0 Karma
Do you drink stuff like Snapple Green Tea and other bottled teas, or actually brew it?
- 09 February, 2007
Chadrack says
+0 Karma
Both, I prefer my own brewed tea, but I do with the bottled stuff when I can't reach mine.
- 09 February, 2007
Constantine says
+0 Karma
Here is a letter I am writing to meat right now:

Dear Meat,
I love you.
You are so delicious and I just don't know what I would do without your sizzling delicious steaks, your aroma excites my senses while your tender consistency makes me cry in agony.
P.S. I love you!

Granted it is a work in progress, I am no English major.
- 09 February, 2007
jared.nance says
+0 Karma
i am not an official vegetarian or vegan. i eat meat only rarely, and i actually eat sparsely in general. this is a post-college health awakening...
- 09 February, 2007
Saba Khan says
+0 Karma
I cannot really say if I am a vegetarian/vegan or meat lover.

Since I live alone, and I cook me own food, almost everyday I end up cooking something that I find easy and quick to prepare.

And for some reason, I find it very hard to cook meat and hence the only choice I am left with, is to be vegetarian.

But I usually act as a avid meat lover when someone else is cooking.

- 09 February, 2007
Arnie says
+0 Karma
I love green tea.. My friend bought me a load back from Japan, its fantastic ! As for being vegan/vegetarian.. My girl friend finds it hard enough to find food I'll eat without removing entire food groups ! I love my meat, but I hate fish.
- 09 February, 2007
Ari says
+1 Karma
I became a vegetarian starting at 24, then went vegan for 6 years. I was also a raw foodist for six months back around 98.I started eating fish two years ago (age 3 and started back on poultry late last summer.

Strangely...now I feel better than when I was 24.
- 11 February, 2007
p0ss says
+0 Karma
i was a vegetarian for maybe 6 years, when i started eating meat again i found i put on weight and got lazy again, but, it is soo tasty and hard to resist. I try and eat only organic/free range meat now.
Being vegetarian is hard work, constantly having to make sure you get the right ammount of protein and minerals, i found if i just ate noodles and stuff when i was vego i ended up feeling like shite.
- 11 February, 2007
Fibonacci's Wench says
+1 Karma
I try to eat meat often but I do not enjoy the taste to tell you the truth.
Somtimes I will want a steak or somthing but I am obsessed with chicken! mmm chicken.
I also love random vegies and such.
Like zuchini and mushrooms and garlic and onion.
I like cooking too.

@ P0ss

You forgot to mention that you are the biggest cheese finde i have ever met!
- 11 February, 2007
p0ss says
+0 Karma
i am a massive cheese finde, i finde it everyplace
- 19 February, 2007
GringoStar says
+0 Karma
I am vegan. been for about 2+ years. i think. never was a veggie.
- 19 February, 2007
