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Quantum Spacetime - 13 February, 2007
Viczy says
Just an idea that's been bubbling over in my head for a while:

If general relativity is to be reconciled with quantum mechanics, would it be reasonable to assume (as space and time are more or less the same thing in relativity) that spacetime itself must be a quantum phenomenon? I think this would imply that virtual particles are sort of halfway between these quantum areas of space and "real" particles. I haven't really followed through on this maths-wise, but I think that it would be an interesting explanation of phenomena such as gravitational time dilation; space (and consequently time) gets more 'bunched up' around mass.

Could time, then, could be defined as resistance to a change in a system?
Total Topic Karma: 1 - More by this Author
jared.nance says
+1 Karma
ever hear of loop quantum gravity? the premise is exactly what you are talking about, that spacetime is quantized. it is currently considered highly adversarial to string theory. look it up, i'm sure you'd be fascinated.
- 13 February, 2007
Viczy says
+0 Karma
Hot damn, someone beat me!

LQG is a fascinating idea, and it's good to hear someone other than Roger Penrose doesn't like the sound of String Theory; personally, Strings strikes me as a bit of a non-explanation.
- 14 February, 2007
Dhruv Sharma says
+0 Karma
Well you can count me as one of the people who support Mr. Penrose whole-heartedly. There is only one thing bugging me. Why does it have to be a string at the bottom of it all.

Hey, why dont we leave the two theories alone. why do we want to bridge the two theories?

Dudes, do you even know what the hell is "brein" and stuff like that. I know maths to some extent but this is way way way over my heads dude.

Viczy, what do you mean by "bunched up" around mass. the thing is that Space-time are the same. we use the word Space and Time together and never alone. in fact relativity stresses indirectly that space and time are the same thing.
- 15 February, 2007
Viczy says
+0 Karma
Yeah, that was my point. Under the paradigm of LQG, you could say that spacetime quanta are attracted to mass, and, if you define spacetime itself as a resistance to change, you get a fairly elegant explanation for gravitational time dilation.
- 15 February, 2007
jakeslec251 says
+0 Karma
Not brein, Brane, short for memBRANE. There is, in M-Theory, what is called p-branes. P, being a variable to how many dimentions there are on a brane. For instance, strings would be 1-branes, because they are 1 dimentional, some thing flat would be a 2- brane, and so on. They (theoretical physicsts) suspect we live on a brane(our universe), and we could be in a sea of branes, or parallel universes, but that is a different story. So, light, matter and all particles (except the Graviton) have to stay on the brane and can't leave. It is kind of like a pool table. You can shoot the balls around but they won't leave the table, but when they collide, you can hear it, because the sound waves don't have to stay on the table, they move in all directions. So you can think of gravity as the sound waves and the rest of the particles as the billard balls. That is why they think gravity is so weak compared to the other forces (Electromagnetism and Weak + Strong nuclear forces). Because it is only on our brane for a small time, then travels to other branes. A support for this is Dark Matter, matter we can't see but its gravity effects us. They think it is on another brane or in a different universe but because its gravity can escape its brane and get to our brane it effects us. But we cant see these other branes because light is confined to the brane. They also think our brane is 2D, a 2-brane but we can see it in 3d because of something that works kind of like holography. Or like a movie. Everything on the screen seems 3D but really is 2D. This also can support Higher dimentions (the 11 dimentions) in the "sea" of branes. Also the branes can be thought of as slices of bread, in the whole
loaf. Jake [email protected] any questions email me
- 20 February, 2007
Viczy says
+0 Karma
Eh, it's an elegant idea, but I wasn't talking about string theory, I was talking about LQG.
- 21 February, 2007
jakeslec251 says
+0 Karma
I was just explaning to Dhurv, cuz he asked what brane was
- 22 February, 2007
Viczy says
+0 Karma
- 22 February, 2007
