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Age: 21
Gender: Male
Religion: Atheist
Location: Earth, Sol
Karma: 261.8
Chadrack's Zakbook
philbo45 says 25 February, 2007
You are a geek, a very lovely one but a geek never the less
p0ss says 19 February, 2007
You are hereby invited to join The Contest any entry, any medium, any reward. Bring it on!
p0ss says 18 February, 2007
oh, i can't even remember, just something about you supporting the death of babies or some crap, he is a fucktard.
DarkMatter says 18 February, 2007
Just have to say Great profile picture lol
Scott Peterson says 16 February, 2007
Thanks for the invite. Can we be best friends?
Jim Jones says 13 February, 2007
Superiority complex?

Whaaat you got all this from my Shuzak page??
p0ss says 12 February, 2007
right back at ya buddy, what do you want to know?
p0ss says 08 February, 2007
well it is just a title i made up, when i got morrowwind i remember being killed by one of those worm things, because i hadn't figured out how to stab things yet, from that moment on i decided i would be an archer, thinking if you don't let them get close they can't kill you.
So i made up up a dark elf with archery light armour, long sword destruction, and mysticism as primaries. i can't remember off the top of my head what the secondaries were, but that was the basis of my character, In hindsight i probably could have got away with heavy armour, but glass armour is good enough that it didn't matter.

just a little while into the game i found myself a bound longbow, and i accidentally did something that made the spell permanent, i have since discovered this is a known exploit, i came across it accidentally but it helped me no end.

From there it is just a matter of standing back and shooting anything within range.

Now, in the end game, i can fly over the mountain tops shooting anything i can see and killing anything in one shot. Some deamons still take more, but with my enchanted deamonic katana and full set of enchanted glass armour, mothing lasts long.

being able to hold things at a distance at an early stage was incredibly handy, i have started alts as orcs and whatnot, but it just seems silly after being a bowmage. Choosing mysticism as my other primary was also very handy. Mysaticism has some of the best spells, including recal, levitate, and some drain life type thing. all in all, best character ever.

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