Owner: poss
Members: 35

Domain names - 28 August, 2007
Ati says
With the new project to reboot Shuzak as a new and improved website, and to try to salvage the existing community, we have run into the problem of the domain name.

The following are a few definitely available (as of this posting) suggestions of mine. Feel free to suggest your own!





Any other ideas are greatly appreciated.
Total Topic Karma: 12 - More by this Author
Ati says
+1 Karma
oh, and of course...

- Author's History - 28 August, 2007
poss says
+0 Karma
theres a new project now?

oh and where in the hell is Jawad?
- Author's History - 28 August, 2007
poss says
+2 Karma
for geeky names:






as for a social networking site, i like


but my personal favorite is:

- Author's History - 28 August, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
I love boff.in, but it's already taken
(but only as a redirect).
- Author's History - 29 August, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
More info on the owner can be found here:


If he's a nice guy, maybe we can buy it from him...
- Author's History - 29 August, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
If we can get it, my personal vote goes to that one.
- Author's History - 29 August, 2007
poss says
+0 Karma
oh its for sale, i allready checked
we just need to make an offer
- Author's History - 30 August, 2007
poss says
+0 Karma
fibs and i talked about it, and we both like terminatorslinky
- Author's History - 30 August, 2007
plutonium11 says
+0 Karma
So far, these sound awesome:



- Author's History - 30 August, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
So far, intellectualcoffee and terminatorslinky are tied at 3 to 3 votes.

Anyone want to make a tie breaker?

We might want to hurry before someone else buys one of them.
- Author's History - 30 August, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
Quantumbeep has pointed out that terminatorslinky is composed of two seperate trademarks, so that one's out.

That would seem to leave intellectualcoffee.com as the most popular viable choice. Anyone have any objections? If not, we can buy the domain tonight.
- Author's History - 30 August, 2007
rbouchoux says
+2 Karma
It's been a long time since I was last on Shuzak but I do miss it. I would love to see it rebooted, and I'd like to help in anyway I can.

P.S. I like intellectualcoffee
- Author's History - 31 August, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
Excellent, we need everyone we can get.

What sorts of things are you best at?
- Author's History - 31 August, 2007
Josh says
+0 Karma
intellectualcoffee.com could be shortened to intellecafe.com or even intelcafe.com.

Other ideas:


@Ati: I know what I am good at, making timing wonderful (development), maybe when I get back in March from boot camp, I'll be set, but by then you'll have a team assembled

Email me with more information as it comes along? pirana0[at]gmail[dot]com
- Author's History - 03 September, 2007
gregmills says
+0 Karma
- Author's History - 05 September, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
I like some of those Greg, but I think we should stick with intellectual coffee for the time, unless anyone really likes any of these.
- Author's History - 05 September, 2007
poss says
+1 Karma
meh, im not inspired by intellectual coffee. im giving it a minus vote.
- Author's History - 05 September, 2007
gregmills says
+0 Karma
I'm sort of not so much into Intellectual Coffee, either. It's an awkward construction and "intellectual" infers a promise of a certain type content. It's also has what we in the biz call the "Classy Lady" problem. A woman wearing a t-shirt that reads "Classy Lady" is usually not.
- Author's History - 05 September, 2007
gregmills says
+1 Karma
That said, I do like monkeyswithfire and raptureofthenerds.com. Perhaps nerdrapture would be more succinct.
- Author's History - 05 September, 2007
zenmonk says
+0 Karma
Rapture has bizarro religious connotations. Change my vote to monkeys with fire.
Self-depricating humour FTW
- Author's History - 06 September, 2007
gregmills says
+2 Karma
Just one more wee thought. Democracy doesn't usually foster effective branding. Visionary fascists generally do a better job. Ati, I'm perfectly comfortable being told to go to hell in regard of the naming of the site.
- Author's History - 06 September, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
You've got a point...

'Nazi' does have a certain brand-name ring to it...
- Author's History - 06 September, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
In all seriousness though, I think I agree with you that intellectualcoffee has some issues.

Since monkeyswithfire is now in the lead, I'll see what I cna do about a logo mockup.
- Author's History - 06 September, 2007
Joe says
+0 Karma
I like www.iheartsmart.com because it rhymes.
- Author's History - 06 September, 2007
plutonium11 says
+0 Karma
i kinda like raptureofthenerds.com

but yeah, i agree w/ gregmills
- Author's History - 06 September, 2007
Ati says
+1 Karma
Hmm, I'm having a little trouble making a logo.

Anyone want to volunteer to give 'moneys with fire' a shot?
- Author's History - 07 September, 2007
zenmonk says
+0 Karma
Here's some raw material to work with at Morguefile.com
- Author's History - 07 September, 2007
gadget00 says
+1 Karma
i think i'll take the dumb-guy role, saying that i actually like shuzak as the domain name!
Please dont hurt me...
- Author's History - 12 September, 2007
Rob O'Daniel says
+1 Karma
Yup, I like shuzak too.

But monkeyswithfire is also great and would lend itself to a cool logo in the hands of a talented graphics dude.
- Author's History - 14 September, 2007
