Owner: Romulo
Members: 310

Naïve Fun - 16 February, 2007
Viczy says
math equation
math equation

Look familiar? Look again.
Total Topic Karma: 3 - More by this Author
Ati says
+2 Karma
it differs around the eighth digit.
- 16 February, 2007
Seth says
+1 Karma
if ur going for just aproximation, then it could actually be vary useful to use for pi
- 21 February, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
Actually, it might, although finding pi through a mathematical formula is not really a practical part of most equations unless you want a very great number of digits, in which case this will not oblige you.
- 21 February, 2007
Viczy says
+0 Karma
I know it differs, hence the 'Look again.' It should go ...35898 but instead goes ...258265...
- 22 February, 2007
Seth says
+0 Karma

is it:

or is it:
- 24 February, 2007
