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Scott Peterson
Male, 16
I Am Scott Peterson
Location: Scott's house
Karma 153.1
I'm Scott Peterson

Jim Jones
Male, 16
Occupation Cult Leader
Location: Jonestown
Karma 5e+09
I love science. Sometimes when I think about tech I get all giddy like a schoolgirl and I have to use self-stimulation to ease the pain. Also, I have been a big part of this site. A c

Mr. White chocolate Kerr Dogg
Male, 17
Karma 21.8
Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn't have to experience it. -Max Frisch

Matt Pagnani
Male, 0
Karma 58.1
Mr. Pagnani is the facilitator of Applied Technology at Model High School.

Max Wassmann
Male, 16
Religion: Bassism
Location: Nextwave!
Karma 267.4
One time Jack Bauer shot me in the kneecaps in the name of nation security.

Admin Jawad
Male, 21
Type: sqrt(-1)
Location: Toronto
Karma 520.305
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. What we think, we become. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. When you've
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