What is this?
When you post a reply that someone else finds interesting, they will rate it. Your profile karma increases by one each time someone rates your reply in a community
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Religion: Islam
Location: Lahore~Pakistan
Karma: 72.3
Hammaad Alvi's Zakbook
surjones says 01 March, 2007
hey thanks man, I saw about shuzak on The Deism Community on Orkut. Seems to be an interesting place. Will get around more soon when I get a little more free from work! cheers!
Sphinx says 28 February, 2007
Its a rough road ahead but, your gonna succeed.
As per myself everything is ok. i'm looking for another job. hopefully i'll get one within a few weeks or month.
Tara says 27 February, 2007
Actually, I did know that the name 'Tara' means star in Sanskrit although I had to look up the various meanings of my name online to find that out. I have to admit that 'star' is much more attractive than the Celtic translation of 'craggy hillside.'
duncans39 says 26 February, 2007
Thanks! Where do U recommend I start?
cmlavender says 26 February, 2007
Thanks for the welcome
philbo45 says 25 February, 2007
Thanks for the welcome What is the coolest thing about this community? Is there a secret room here? Can we travel inter-dimensionally?
Tara says 23 February, 2007
So you're like my guide around Shuzak, huh? That's one way to pick up chicks you saucy minx, you! Okay, okay, in all seriousness I'm just popping in to say "hi" so...hi!
dcortesi says 23 February, 2007
>Hopefully, we'll have a better search/directory feature for communities very soon.

Hopefully indeed! The current search doesn't support wildcards at all: search for program* finds nothing. The search also seems to be among only the title words -- not the keywords or description of the community. So it is just about impossible to find everything related to, e.g., software. So if you have any input into the process, there's some suggestions:

* at the very least, asterisk wild-card, but in a supposedly geek-friendly place, full regular expressions, in searching communities.

* search option to just title, +keywords, +description -- see ebay for a model

* terse, tabular-format directory of all communities with columns: title; capsule description; #members. Able to sort table (increasing or decreasing) on any column -- see your windows file "list" mode for model.

* able to filter rows of that table with search keywords

Is there a "improving shuzak" community? Is there a page that shows who's who?

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