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Concrete Mathematics (try 2) - 25 January, 2007
ajbommarito says
Sorry, I'm having trouble getting the latex to display properly. It wont accept horizontal spaces...

If anyone is familiar with the book "Concrete Mathematics" Link at Amazon

I was hoping for some help figuring out the equation on page 30:

(5   76   -2

Now, I understand that 19 = 201 in radix3. The part that I'm having trouble with is how (5 76 -2) in radix 10 = 1258.
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Nadeem says
+0 Karma
Like this: 5*10^2 + 76*10^1 - 2*10^0 = 1258.

Definitions are usually a good place to go when you're confused.
- 25 January, 2007
(Guest) Guest says
+0 Karma
Lol. I was stuck in the idea that you cant use a number larger than n-1 in radix n notation. I was trying to do 5*10^3+7*10^2+6*10^1-2*10^0. Thanks for the shove in the right direction.
- 26 January, 2007
Nadeem says
+0 Karma
No problem. I can see how that would throw people.
- 26 January, 2007
