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shuzak on DS - 13 June, 2007
Seth says
so i got the nds browser and its awesome!... but i went to shuzak (actually im on it right now with my ds,) but any way, whenever i swich pages on shuzak, with my ds, 5 or 6 popup errors aappear. nothings wrong with the site usage, but they popups are really annoying. might anyone know what they mean?
Total Topic Karma: 0 - More by this Author
QuantumBeep says
+0 Karma
Well, I think you'll need to tell us what the errors are.

This site is pretty advanced, so there's no guarantee that it'll work on a little DS browser.

Either way, I'm sure there are some of us who would help you, if you shared more information about the problem.
- Author's History - 13 June, 2007
hail, bonk bonk god of power says
+0 Karma
and show some pics
- Author's History - 14 June, 2007
poss says
+0 Karma
mmm, without the exact errors it is impossible to say.
- Author's History - 14 June, 2007
(Guest) seth (signed off) says
+0 Karma
it doesnt tell you the error
heres exactly what it says:

JavaScript Alert:
There was an Error, please try

but anyway
it doesnt make shuzak not work
its just REALLY annoying
- Author's History - 14 June, 2007
