Owner: hail, bonk bonk g
Members: 29

A community for those who bow down to the Wii. :)

Hello, vengo a escribir B-) ( 1 replies )
na na na na na na na na na na ... Batman.... jo jo jo estoy aburrido y me sali de facebook,,,,,No es un lugar para mi.... mmm....bueno no es lugar para muchos pero en fin creo que estoy mejor jejejeje a jugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar...Click Here | By RIX
Splinter Cell - Wii ( 4 replies )
so, i've had this game for more than a month now and have only played it three times, it is terrible. I got a freind to play a few hours of it to see if it got any better, he demanded more payment after only half an hour. The control scheme is all wrong and is completely counter intuitive. How hard is it to design a control scheme that lets you sneak up behind someone and throttle them? Personally it took me 4 tries to kill the first dude, and even then i came out of it injured. ...Click Here | By poss
SSX Blur Review ( 3 replies )
I recently bought SSX Blur for Wii, it is great. If you like snowboarding or skiing, then this is a must have game. I heard a few bad reviews, but in my opinion they are just lies. The graphics on this game are great. The music soundtracks are good, and make you want to play the game even more. There is alot to do on this game, there are 3 mountains in all, and you have the choice of the following. You can free ride, which means you can ski around the mountains with...Click Here | By hail, bonk bonk god of power
What's your Wii ID? ( 4 replies )
I need some more Wii Miis: 0064 4008 0002 6581 Thanks!...Click Here | By travis
wiind down ( 11 replies )
I have had my wii for a couple of months, and while zelda and rayman held my attention, i am not playing as much as i used to. I think it has something to do with the effort involved. I just zone out and play xbox, but wii makes you move too much.. Maybe my love for the wii will overcome this burnout period, i sure hope so. ...Click Here | By poss
Sonic and the Secret Rings ( 3 replies )
Got it today and its cool Got annnoying music tho.. lol...Click Here | By hail, bonk bonk god of power
Show your wii wii ( 9 replies )
here is mine lol ...Click Here | By hail, bonk bonk god of power
Zelda ( 26 replies )
Yes, it has totally taken over my life now.. lol, i have been a proper bad recluse for the past couple days.. lol Finaly taken a break though, i even went out to the shop to buy food to keep me alive, i nearly asked how much is that in rupees when the shop lady said that be �9.47 please. lol ...Click Here | By hail, bonk bonk god of power
Wii News Channel Launch ( 4 replies )
Is supposed to be the 27th but its today, and it is pretty nifty...Click Here | By Cory
GlovePie ( 4 replies )
anyone use it? plan on it? ive ordered my bluetooth adapter...Click Here | By Realn0whereman

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